This...wasn't exactly going as planned. The teenage boy frowned at the sight before him. The buildings were in flames from the witches' magic. Many laid in ruin after the fierce strike across the city. Many more lay dead in the street, unable to counter the attack. Nothing had escaped their attack on Death City. Likewise, nothing had escaped Mitsui, the young swordsman letting his blade slice through the lines of monsters and Meisters alike. His allegience wasn't something so honor-bound that he had to fight for the witches. However, for his goal, he would this time. After all, the witches were in the right here, being attacked by those who held a contract with the them. Thus, there was no moral dilemma in the boy's assistance of them. What was unusual, though, were the strange beasts that had appeared. Ghostly white in appearance with a large red circle where their face should be, almost appearing like a bullseye. He had found one and cut it down swiftly, keeping it from clawing at him and otherwise impeding his journey forward. It seemed more would come, though...leftovers from those who had been plagued by Madness in years past. Having so many in one place, though, would be what was the cause? His sights had been set on Shibusen and he had managed to reach the academy easily, but had found neither his target nor an answer to his question. So he had begun to retreat as the witches had, unable to hold off the surge on his own. Most Meisters were aiding in evacuation. Regardless, he was an enemy. He would find no help if the witches were on the retreat. As his steps led him to the gates, he found himself faced with one more. A young girl, it appeared, a little younger than him. Her pale pink hair stood out to him, as did the uniform she wore. She had to be a Meister...or a Weapon. He wouldn't think a Weapon would be out on her own, though. Either way, he drew his sword quickly, slipping into his practiced stance, blade held in front of him. “I don't want trouble from you...” He had found enough while in Shibusen. Most picked him out to not be a student almost immediately. If he wasn't a student, he was probably an enemy, given his weaponry. Likewise, he would give them the suspicion he was given during his trek through the city.