Lily gave Liza the best smile she could, trying to appear as calm as possible despite her own bewilderment. She did her very best to appear as someone the others could lean on in the time of confusion that this was, but the truth wasn't quite as positive, as she was very much on the floor like many of the others. Despite all of this, she kept smiling and helping others, knowing that if she could at least [i]pretend[/i] to know what was going on, then the chance of panic and regretful decisions being made was that much smaller. She let go of Liza's hand and crossed her arms beneath her meagre chest. "Good to see you're okay. Not everyone woke up without being some sort of... I guess shock is the best word to describe it." She looked off to the side, grimacing slightly as if spotting one specific individual. "I did what I could to calm them down, but only time will show how they take it." She looked back to Liza, studying to woman for a moment. She looked pleasant enough, both in the sense that she seemed kind but also somewhat pretty. At least moreso than Lily herself, if she were to be a judge. Despite the gentleness of her face, she could also sense a hardness in her features, an edge that told of a life that wasn't all sunshine and butterflies like her own had been - for the most part. Or perhaps it was something else? Banishing the thought, she spoke again - this time with a bit of a plea in her voice. "If you can, could you try to find a source of water or something, possibly something to eat? I honestly have no idea where we are, and the sooner we can find something to eat or drink, the sooner we can get the more frantic ones to relax." She paused for a moment, her eyes widening almost imperceptibly as an idea struck her. "By the way, if I may ask, are you a Shifter?" Before Liza could answer, she raised both her hands in what could pass as a defensive, or even apologetic gesture. "I'm sorry if it's an intrusive question, but I know that some Shifters have powers that might be of help here." The way she spoke carried no malice of judgement, nor even doubt or suspicion. It was almost as if there was a familiarity in the way she spoke of them, and wasn't just an outsider who had only ever heard of them and never been in contact with one. Letting her arms fall back along her sides, she adopted a relaxed, open posture. "I hope I don't come off as rude, so please don't take offense. But don't even have to answer my question, or even help... There are already a bunch of people helping so-" whatever she was going to say next was drowned by the loud, raspy voice nearly shouting demands at Lily. Turning to the newcomer's voice she couldn't help an eyebrow from shooting up under her fringes. The short woman was, if anything, the definition of a rebellious teenager. She very much looked like it, at least, judging by the baggy pants and almost lack of styling was of any indication. That is, rebellious by Lily's standards. "My name is Lily Strider, and I don't know for both of your other questions." [i]A bit rude... I hope it's just the confusion talking.[/i] "And may I ask what your name i-" Being a school teacher had brought with it the common occurrence of multiple children speaking at the same time, each vying for their teacher's attention. They would try to get help from her by shouting louder and louder, even resulting to teasing the other pupils sitting beside them as a way to make her come over there to stop them. She'd seen a lot of it, and dealt with most of it; she even prided herself on being able to handle multiple children at once without breaking a sweat. Under her guidance, children had been taught and they had learned - none of them going home with the feeling of their teacher abandoning them. Despite all of this, the number of interruptions were starting to get a little bit on her nerves this day. By no means had the rude girl been the first, as many of the other people waking up had come to her, seeking guidance and generally just wanting to be near someone who seemed to have everything under control. Bracing herself mentally, she turned around towards the newest addition to their little huddle. The first thing she noticed was that it was a man which, considering the pitch of the voice, wasn't a surprise. The second thing she noticed was the suit, a rather dabber one at that. And then, finally, his appearance. He was a rather handsome man, with a mix of both western and eastern characteristics creating a pleasant viewing experience. One of the most notable features, she noticed, was his eyes. She'd heard of the phenomena before, but never seen it before now. [i]Heterochromia: Two different coloured eyes; either two colours in the same eye, or one eye, one colour.[/i] She took a deep breath, then a few steps towards the man. "Akira, correct?" She returned his bow, albeit not going quite as low as he. She wasn't exactly sure what the japanese custom was, so she wasn't quite sure if bowing too low would be a bad idea. "Nice to meet you too. As for where we are; you're right when you say that it isn't Japan." She swept an arm in an arc, motioning towards the mass of people walking around doing various things, be it waking up others or trying to break twigs off from one of the trees to try their hands at making a shelter of some kind. "As for what's going on, pretty much what one could expect. People are trying their best to become accustomed to the new environment. I've spoken with a number of people and no one seems to know anything of where we are, what happened, or how we got here." A grimace briefly flashed across her face. "Truthfully, I'm a bit on the floor myself. I wish I knew at least some of what was going on - at least the 'why'." A friendly smile crept back onto her lips, letting her willingness to help show yet again. "Is there anything I can help you with? If you actually need any help, that is."