#2 After considering her points fairly and with as much attempted impartiality as possible, Levi edged closer to Evelyn and the two began to converse in hushed, whispered tones, casting furtive glances at the pair every now and then. "What do you think? She had me at 'crossbow'." he said honestly. "What makes you think she won't use that crossbow to put a bolt in the back of your head when you least expect it?" hissed Evelyn. "That's not going to happen, they let us clear out their medicine cabinet! They're not killers, trust me." he assured her. Evelyn stared at Scarlet and Samantha for a long time, causing an awkward and deafening silence to fill the room. After what seemed like hours, she reluctantly relented. "Fine, they can follow us to Chicago." she said, just loud enough for the twins to hear her. "Great!" said Levi with newfound enthusiasm. He approached Samantha and held his hand out. "You're in, and you're coming with us to the Black Mountain."