#1 Ellie could feel a tingling in her legs, no doubt from the lack of blood they were recieving due to her current balled up position. She was tense until she saw the dead pers- no...[i]Undead[/i] person shuffle to the end of her aisle, afterwards she released the breath she wasn't aware she had been holding. Her mind was scattered, should she make a break for the exit? If so, she could risk alerting other Walker's to her location. She had just begun to crawl out from beneath the desk when she saw a flurry of motion just ahead of her, she went to go back under the desk, but only managed to bang her head against it in her less-than graceful attempt. Letting out a small curse, and rubbing the back of her head, she glanced up from beneath her light blonde hair, forest green eyes trained on the person in front of her. Only thing worse than a dead person, was a living, breathing, [i]thinking[/i] one. There she sat, looking up at a masked man, who was...waving at her? Well, that was new. Raising a neat brow, she looked him up and down, sizing him up. He didn't seem threatening, but then again, she couldn't be sure. Normally, she could gather information based on the eyes, but this man, had them covered in ask that was rather intimidating. His height, too, was making her feel incredibly small. Shaking her head, bringing herself out of her thoughts, she stood slowly, brushing herself off. With an awkward nod, she cleared her throat, her eyes locking on the mask, before giving a small smile. "Thank you..." She tilted her head to the dead walker just at the end of the aisle. "I suppose this is where I say I'm friendly, not bitten, and not looking to fight." Her smile widened briefly, eyes glinting. She didn't want to die here, she had come this far. Hopefully this man had acted on good intentions. There was only one way to find out. Ellie carefully lifted her hand, after putting her gun back in her waistband, a gesture for a handshake. "Hi, I'm Ellie." Her voice was soft, an extra layer of honey added for good measure. She did not want to come off as hostile and be killed for it. Not when she had come this far.