Okay... let's try to make the message here, then, since the PM won't bloody edit it! Here's what I wanted to write >< ----- [/quote]"She stumbled a few steps backwards, shocked by the usually hidden nature of the Shifters being so decidedly not hidden. The scales hinted at something reptilian, but the "hair" made it almost painfully obvious as to what exactly he was. His form was what Lady Medusa had become when the Goddess Athena cursed her for losing her innocence in a place devoted to it. Like a snake shedding its skin, so too had Medusa shed her innocence, being the unwilling victim of Poseidon's urges. She had been the same, yet something entirely new after the ordeal. [i]Gorgon.[/i]" This is pretty much what I wrote, if a bit less awesome than the original <.< Can't remember everything verbatim.[/quote]