Someone had once told Selene that playing with knives would accidentally result with lost fingers. Perhaps that was the reason why she never liked using blades, or perhaps it was another reason. Despite this, however, she was still encouraged to keep her skills with blades fresh in case they were ever needed. Of course, this never went according to plan, which was an endless cause of frustration to one particular individual. --- “I’m a little tea pot… short and stout… “A voice whispered, lost among the vents of the Corpus ship. The speaker seemed to be female, but anything beyond that was unknown due to her hiding spot. The quiet whirl of the doors announced the entry of a patrolling Crewman, and the door shut as he entered the room. He walked over to a nearby console, checking something as a figure drops down behind him. A white, black, and teal Valkyr touches the floor quietly, twirling the knives in her hand as she sneaks up on her target. “Here… is my handle.” She whispers as the blade of a Fang lashes out, impaling itself on the Crewman’s back and getting stuck in him. The Crewman drops his rifle, reaching to his back and trying to get to the blade, and struggling. The Crewman turns and looks directly at the Valkyr, and Valkyr finish with “And here… is… my spout!” She lashes out, stabbing the Crewman in the visor and lodging the blade in the Crewman’s helmet. The Crewman, surprisingly, was still living, and the both them started in a combined struggle to get the knife out of the visor, both for different reasons. “Hey, hey, hey, stop that! I’m trying to help!” The Valkyr states as the two of them continue to fight for the knife. There is a snap of metal and the knife comes loose, the blade broken in half. The Valkyr looks at the blade, and continues talking, with a worried tone this time. “Ah, man… I broked it. I wasn’t supposed to broked it, Dad told me it wouldn’t be broked. Now they’re going to make fun of me for breaking it. ‘You’re not good enough! You need to be more careful! You’ll never advance in rank if you don’t learn how to-‘” Her rant was interrupted with a [i]thud[/i] as the Crewman finally hit the ground, and Selene looks over at him. “I don’t want to hear anything from you, either!” --- “Operator, you requested that I inform you if there is a bot dispenser with a Moa in it. There is one but a few meters from your position.” Ordis states to Selene, creating a waypoint for her. She walks over to it, and hacks into it, drawing the sleeping Shockwave Moa out and bringing it to life. “I got a bird! Wait, is Moa a bird? Maybe it’s a type of Bear. Or even a fish!” She says to no one in particular, and then jumps atop it, like riding a mount. She entertains a thought about merging and extending her shields to her mount, and then begins trying to do so. --- After two minutes and a lot of tinkering, Selene gives up trying to merge the shields, and simply orders her Moa mount to charge through the ship toward the Reactor. This charge lasted less than four minutes before the Moa was destroyed by Corpus forces, not before bowling over several Moa and punting a canister at a group of Crewmen. This, too, was lamented on by the white, black and teal Valkyr before she went the rest of the way on her own. After a few spikes, and the upper part of a helmet ending up in an Osprey, Selene opens the reactor and fires on it until Ordis announces “Reactor Meltdown imminent. I advise getting out of there, Operator.” --- One short, mostly uneventful sprint later, Selene leaves the exploding ship behind her as her Liset zooms off. She looks at her Foundry for a moment, to see if any projects were done, but nothing was done. She walked up to the front of the ship, which is when her Ordis spoke up again. “Operator, you broke [i]another[/i] pair of Fang knives? This is the eighth pair this quarter-cycle! Need I remind you that each pair is drawing from the resources [i]you collect[/i]?” Selene sighs, and asks “Yes, Dad… I know, I messed up again with the knives. Can you take us to the Dojo now, please?” The Ordis sighs and sets course for the Dojo. Selene’s pet Kubrow, a pup by the name of Gurik, rushes in and sprints around the room, tackling Selene. “Ow! Down boy, down!” She yells, and the Kubrow crawls off of her, sitting there and looking at her with a cheerful expression. “Good boy.” Selene states, petting the Kubrow, while Ordis comments “Your -Filthy nuisance- Kubrow is almost grown enough for a collar, Operator.” Gurik chases his tail, and Selene giggles at the Kubrow. “We are at the docking port, Operator,” Ordis soon adds. Gurik sprints back to his spot, and Selene leaves the ship, sprinting for the gardens. “Another pair broken. For the Orokin’s sake, does the Operator not know how to use blades? Does the Clan not have trainers who are good with blades? Why is no one teaching her to- Oh. Ewwww! Operator! Your Kubrow has just –pissed on my insides- emptied its bladder inside the Liset!”