Shroedinger sighed "I hope Yelgir has the patience to wait for us, we aren't exactly the fastest craft around." She said as she throttled Zephyr, and immediately being behind Thor. "The enemy is surely going to see us Jason, you should brace for a couple hundred impacts once the energy signature from the guns dissipates." And once the energy did dissipate, Shroedinger began flying erratically, making her moves unpredictable to enemy guns. But warheads still exploded near the craft, shaking it around. "As I thought, they won't let us through so easily" she said as she gritted her teeth. After some time of being bracketed by enemy weapon fire, they finally made it "I'm glad I was able to keep the shield up" Shroedinger slouched back with a sigh of relief, but then Yelgir blew open the cargo bay which caught her off guard. "Damn man, a bit of a warning next time!" She said as she quickly calibrated most of the shield power to the front of the craft to take the force of the blast, and deflect any solid objects like shrapnel. "Alright Jason, how do you plan to do this? While that hole is big, it ain't big enough for Zephyr to fit into."