Unfortunately enough, those around her seemed to be parting from the meeting and she hadn't really come much closer on any sort of plan they had developed. When a young woman she had never seen before approached Karen to give her some over the counter pain killers, Piper slipped out just as quietly as she'd come in. She took a steadying breath. Maybe this wasn't such a great idea after all. She quickly pushed that thought of her mind. It was the only shot she had. On her way back, Piper recognized one of the men from the meeting as she watched him duck into Jacob's shop. Without hesitation, she followed. Perhaps if she spoke with him, he could offer greater insight to the group's plans. "... I guess you'll wanna take your RV, but Karen has some good points about taking the horses. What do you think?" he was saying. The other man replied with, "The day I ride an ass to Canada is the day pigs sprout wings 'n fly over the moon. Why the hell should we ride an animal that needs food and water, with a mind of its own that can get spoked or bitten by a snake or scamper off when we set up camp? 'Specially when we got a set of perfectly good, reliable vehicles just sat there?" He shrugged slightly, still looking out at the road. "I don't care if cowgirl wants to try her luck with the mules and I don't care if you wanna' go with her, I'm takin' the RV, that's final." Smirking felt odd, but she couldn't help herself. In any case, these were valid points Piper hadn't realized while in the meeting. Sure, an RV would need fueling but she and James had stuck almost entirely to main roads and had made it safely to their present location. They didn't even have the protection of an RV. "I'm sorry to interrupt, I really am but I have to agree with you. Have you tried explaining all this to Karen? Perhaps she'd change her mind," her voice was still meek. She'd grown out of speaking frequently since Connor's death but communication was necessary and she'd have to find her voice soon enough.