[center][img=http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/240x160StorybrookeRegina.gif?t=1407788618][img=http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Signatures/240x160Robert.gif?t=1408485200][/center] During his patrols, Robert happened to see Regina and Mason walking around the town square, shopping at the various stalls. He thought that now might be a good a time to bring up his concerns with her. Maybe he could even make sure if Mason was ok, he was beginning to doubt whether Regina would be a good parent. If this had just been any 'Miners Day,' Regina would have been found sticking her nose up at the little trinket booths and poorly put together fundraisers but this year, she had Mason. She couldn't deny the boy the way he looked with wide eyes and wonder at Marco's small toy stall, particularly fawning over a small, hand-blown glass figurine of a wire-haired terrier. "These prices are a bit steep..." Regina said checking the paper tag on the dog, her voice not at all amused as she looked up at Marco with a slight glare. "Twenty-five percent of the proceedings go to the children in the hospital." Marco said with a pleased smile, though faltering when Regina's expression didn't change. "I'll give you seven dollars, and you can give twenty-five percent of [i]that[/i] to your charity." Regina handed the small glass figure to Mason and began to dig through her purse. He hated to interrupt Regina's moments with Mason, but he knew that the oppurtunity was fleeting. Robert walked closer to them, standing off to the side. He looked at the merchant and said "If you have any problems with a customer, let me know. I can sort it out, no matter who it is." He was trying to give a subtle hint that Regina really should have paid full price. Regina lifted her head from digging through her purse and looked up at Robert with a cold glare. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" She asked, straightening up her back. She was still shorter than Robert, but height alone had never been much to intimidate her. "Just trying to help all of Storybrooke's residents. How've you two been, enjoying your time together? Mason's gonna have to meet with some people to find a more permanent home soon, I hope you guys have some fun today." Robert had read in books that he was supposed to "sugrarcoat" bad news, but that advice was intended for someone who actually had social skills. Regina flinched, but her mouth remained shut until she turned around and got back onto her knee, looking at Mason and running her fingers through his wild brown hair. "Mason, why don't you run home and put your little trinket into your bedroom?" She suggested, her voice eerily calm from what it had been just a few moments back. "And then on your way back, pick some apples from my tree, we can have a snack at the park later." She patted Mason and he was on his way. Regina seemed to ignore the look on Marco's face when the boy had run off with one of his figurines without paying, but at Regina stood back up she slapped a twenty down onto the booth, however her eyes never left Robert's. "What are you saying?" She asked, her eyes narrowing, [i]daring[/i] him to suggest anything that might entail Mason having to leave her side. "The law is clear, we need to take him to the regional office in Boston to get him in the system. I'm sure that when he's up for adoption, you'll be at the top of the list, but you do need to go through the proper channels." Roberts voice was as firm and unchanging as ever, he treated this like dealing with any other disobedient citizen. "I am NOT taking him to Boston." Regina replied, feeling Marco wince at her raised voice. "We both know that's not how the system works, I'll never see him again and he'll be thrown into some house where he's just a meal ticket!" Regina could feel her eyes growing wet, but remained strong under the terms that no tear fell. She shook her head lightly to keep it so, and took a deep breath before she really lost it. "Robert, I'm begging you. Overlook what the state says, no one here will blame you. Word won't get out, that I can promise. I need him. I need my son..." "It doesn't matter who knows, what matters is that there are laws, put in place to determine the right decisions are made. As a mayor, surely you can understand that. Maybe in the past I would have let this slide, believed that you were the perfect parent for him, but recent events have made me less sure. This decision will shape the rest of his life, I cannot leave it solely up to us." Regina bit down on her cheek a bit, her eyes wandering to anywhere really, anywhere but on Robert. She crossed her arms over her chest, letting her hands run up and down her arms as if trying to give herself some sort of comfort. "What do you want Robert? A raise? Whatever the price I'll do it." "I want you to tell me what time I can expect to pick up Mason tomorrow. While you're at it, I have a lot more questions that you've been avoiding. Why did you have dinner with a man who you saw steal your tax money, somehow without leaving a single fingerprint on the envelope? How did you obtain a psychiatrist's private files? When something happens in an abandoned mine that registers a six on the richter scale, why seal it off that very afternoon? What happened to the Regina I remember, the one who would would've been answering these questions without hesitation?" Regina couldn't help but to look around, seeing if anyone...important might be around to hear this conversation. The last thing she needed was Sherry snooping around for a greasy story for tomorrow's paper. "You're over the line Robert." Regina warned him in a low tone. "Now back off before you regret it." "As long as I am sheriff, I will do what it takes to keep Storybrooke safe and ensure that everyone follows the law. Tell Mason I'll see him tomorrow." Robert had said what he wanted to, and walked off, continuing his patrol. "I made you sheriff Robert!" Regina called after him, her voice cracking just a bit as the tears started coming back. "I can take that away you know!" She breathed heavily out her nose as Robert continued to walk on, her cold eyes snapping over at Marco who had gone extremely pale-faced suddenly. "Don't look at me as if you understand because you don't. You have no children Marco, and you never will." It wasn't so much of a slam on Marco as it was to Gepetto, but it made her feel just a bit better as she stormed away from his stall in order to find the one man in Storybooke that could help her right now.