Pyria looked up, then back down to the list. "I'm the registrar. Let's see... Nyame. I see your name. One moment." She got out a piece of parchment. "Here's your room, your classes,and your schedule. Welcome to the academy." She gave him a sarcastic look which most didn't think was possible for a dragon's snout. "And before you ask, yes, the archmagister is my father, yes, my mother is a human, no, there's nothing dark about my past, and yes, I am bored with this job." Asthia responded to Bryce. "Yes, I'm indeed a dracon, as were my parents, grandparents, and so on. It's a new experience, being here with so many other mages. And from so many cultures, too. I've never been so far away from my species before. And yes, half-dragons and dragonborn are much like dracons in many ways. Anyway, I come from a noble family which, well, ended up on the wrong side of a political dispute and lost most of our lands and fortune. When I began to show I had sorcerous powers, my family sent me here for training. So, what sort of spells are you good at, if I may ask? I'm skilled with conjuration, enchanting, and evocation. I'm not so skilled at dealing with this cold floor, but I'll get used to it." She made sure to keep her tail lifted off of the floor as well, as dracons normally did, but especially in this case.