[hider=Paris] [centre][u]Biographical Information[/u][/centre] [b]Name:[/b] Paris Rience [b]Age:[/b] 47 [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://th07.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/344/1/f/the_sniper__style_test__by_angelitoon-d6xf2yz.jpg]Rad links for rad people[/url] (Art by Angelitoon) Paris stands at about 5'9"; a caucasian man with numerous scars including a pair of scratch marks across his face. With hollow, sharp features and short greying hair, he doesn't come across as the most cheerful of fellows. [b]History Type:[/b] European Mercenary (A little better on dealing damage, can usually find an escape route out of a terrible situation, generally distrusted by the majority, good at bluffing their way out of situations.) [b]Biography:[/b] Paris's parents were part of a group that decided the best way to survive the nuclear fallout was to grab as much food as they could and set up shop as far away from civilization as possible. The chosen location being deep into the wilds of Siberia. There were almost a dozen of them in total, with enough food to last decades at least. Paris was born years later during a spout of desperate lust. Around the same time another couple gave birth to a boy named Marten. Being the only two kids in the group, they became close friends. There wasn't much to do in their little encampment. Read a few books, play checkers, and throw rocks at wildlife. By the time Paris was around twenty, those decade's worth of food had been reduced to months worth. As food dwindled, tensions rose. Some argued they should stay and hunt for sustenance, others that they should scavenge from abandoned towns. In Paris's mind, the previous generation had become afraid and set in their old age. Too attached to the world they had been born into to face the world it had become. So he elected to leave and find out what kind of new world waited outside Siberia. Over the course of a few weeks, he began ferreting food and fuel away in preparation for a secret departure. At the last second, he approached Marten to take his friend with him. Marten, after much arguing and convincing, agreed to leave his family and come along. Taking an old jeep, the two made their way south-west into Europe proper and were almost immediately picked up by a roving band of mercenaries. Given the choice of taking a gun and making themselves useful or being shot and robbed, they chose to arm up. Over the next decade, the two bounced from band to band, as groups fell apart and reformed under a new banner. While they learned some valuable skills from the constant infighting and warfare, the chaos wore them down and exhausted them. When word reached them of the far more stable Thirteen Colonies in North America, they once more began to plan an escape. A boat was repaired and slowly loaded with fuel and supplies over the course of months until it was ready to set out across the Atlantic. On the night they meant to leave, however, the mercenary group they were currently involved with fell under attack. Paris made it to the boat, but Marten had disappeared along the way. Seeing the attacking forces draw ever closer, Paris waited for as long as he could before setting off on his own. Storms harrassed across the ocean, and by the time he reached Chicago, his food had run out and he was on the verge of starvation. With little to no experience in anything else, he joined the Bunker Chicago Security in order to make a living. [centre][u]Technical Information[/u][/centre] [b]Weapons:[/b] [indent][b]Sniper Rifle - Good Old Marty[/b] --[i]Bigger is Better Calibre:[/i] Increasing the size of the bullet or firing chamber in a laser weapon to increase the overall damage output of that weapon. Crude, but efficient. (Increases damage.) --[i]Silencer:[/i] A simple silencer that reduces noise and muzzle flash of a firearm. It’s fairly ineffective on laser weapons, which have an easily sighted trail between firing point and target... (Noise/Light reduction on traditional firearms; little effect on laser weapons) --[i]Hi-Tech Scope (Night-vision):[/i] Attaches a scope to your weapon of choice which has night-vision installed. (Can be used with Infrared & Target-Tracker) --[i]Hollow-Cavity Bullets:[/i] Traditional rounds that are largely hollow, causing them to expand upon impact. This expansion maximizes tissue damage but also reduces penetration. (Drastically increases damage against organic targets; lowers penetrating power against armoured targets)[/indent] [b]Advanced Training:[/b] [indent]--[i]GECKO:[/i] Your character has received training in the art of blending in with the terrain, moving quietly, and more. They are naturals at not being found, and vanishing into thin air where it counts. In places rife with physical cover or cover of darkness, or with sufficient distractions nearby, a Grunt can escape from plain sight and dart to another location to hide. (Stealth bonuses, allows a Grunt to sometimes escape from plain sight with sufficient prerequisites around.) --[i]Damned Fine Aim:[/i] A character with a natural tendency to hit targets in critical points if they stop, aim fully, exhale, and pull the trigger. If a character takes added time to line up a shot, they generally almost always hit that shot. (Greatly improved aim if time is taken to line up a shot instead of reaction firing at a target. Increases chance of hitting a weak point without knowing where it is. Decreases defense for that round.) --[i]Eagle Eyes, Eagle Ears:[/i] Having spent ages looking down scopes and looking for the finest of details, the Grunts who pursue tactical shooting find themselves learning tactical searching. These Grunts now come with one motion detection camera and two invisible laser tripwires, wirelessly connected to their radios to give them a warning beep if anything triggers them. They can be set up in seconds and are generally hard to spot, allowing for safe sniper nests to be set up. Atop this, they've also become more adept at passively spotting enemies hiding behind cover or who are using stealth technology, even stealth mutations, and doing this faster than the average person can. (Greater stealth detection, simple gadget.) --[i]A Soldier’s Wrath:[/i] There is nothing stronger than the bonds of brotherhood. Anytime an ally is hit and takes an injury as a result of that hit, this character will take a free shot at that enemy so long as there is clear line of sight to do so and it wouldn’t break stealth. If a shot can be feasible taken without breaking stealth, the shot is taken. If multiple weapons are equipped and some have special ammo limits, the ones without special ammo limits will be used instead. (Free reaction fire.) --[i]Manifest Destiny:[/i] Humanity has a knack for survival, for a variety of reasons. The first is their versatility: These Grunts have trained hard enough that they can wield any weapon masterfully and without penalty. The second is their numbers: These Grunts can radio in for artillery strikes or aerial support and generally can get at least one per mission. The third is their stubborn ingenuity: These Grunts have access to top of the line technology like Pilots to amplify their abilities, and have access to the same laboratories. ----[i]Manifest Destiny Tech - Mobile Sensor Package:[/i] A hovering drone about the size of a football is at the disposal of the character. It carries no weapons, but what it does carry is intel; an array of sensors that feed directly into the visor of your character's armour. Directed by controls built into the Grunt's primary weapon, it has a battery life of a few hours.[/indent] [centre][u]Inventory[/u][/centre] [b]Weapons:[/b] [indent][b]Combat Knife:[/b] The standard army combat knife. A design over a century old still more than effective enough to carry on into the future. [b]Standard Issue Council Pistol:[/b] Your standard issue, eighteen shot clip pistol provided to nearly everyone in the bunkers and on most homesteads, to both civilians and armed personnel alike. This is based off of the glock-18 model, with some near-future modifications. [b]WLO Sniper Rifle:[/b] A pump-action sniper rifle from West London, with several custom modifications made to it. It uses a ten shot detachable magazine.[/indent] [b]Armour:[/b] [indent][b]Civilian Clothing:[/b] You wear a set of civilian clothing. This has no armour value and is thus pretty good to sneak around in, but, then again, if anything so much as breathes on you, you're a dead man. [b]Medium Armour:[/b] Standard issue armour. It's flexible but capable of stopping some damage in critical areas..[/indent] [b]Medicine & Tech:[/b] [indent][b]Medkit:[/b] Your standard medkit, including bandages, stitches, rubbing alcohol, and more. [b]Radio:[/b] A simple radio for contacting others. [b]Frag Grenade:[/b] A small hand held explosive. Pull the pin and throw it into a small room for maximum effect, as it isn’t all that effective in a large area with several pieces of cover... Each character starts with two frag grenades. [b]Flashbang:[/b] A non-lethal version of the Frag Grenade, this weapon’s purpose is to cause a bright flash of light and a loud bang, blinding and deafening opponents. Each character starts with two flashbangs.[/indent] [b]Miscellaneous[/b] [indent][b]Dog-Tags:[/b] A way to identify your horrible mangled corpse. Congratulations! At least you won't die forgotten mister... Uh... What was your name again? [b]Standard Watch:[/b] Your standard wrist watch, powered by gears and springs as in old clockwork, only compartmentalized to fit on the wrist. [b]Flash-Light:[/b] Useful in dark places. Built into helmet/visor.[/indent] [centre][u]Miscellaneous[/u][/centre] [b]Signature:[/b] To agree to the rules, type your user-name [s]here[/s][u]Herzinth[/u]. This is just to verify that you understand, and agree to the fact, that I can kill your character without your permission. Playing smart and working in a team lowers your death odds, but even then... There’s always the chance your character won’t make it to the end. [b]Does the Vlad plushie exist?:[/b] It's very well hidden.[/hider] EDIT: What do you mean I forgot the inventory and Vlad the first time around. Stop spreading lies.