"Military? Hell no, there are from the old Soviet Union, I said before the second World War.. I'm a mechanic, run a lill' shop up the street. Quite cosy actually if you can ignore the smell of gasoline and general chaos of the place." He smirked, chuckled and peered at the man, "So you are dressing to the job lawyer or something? I will tell ya' there's not much of that work around here. The law is the bullet and the judge is the barrel, the jury is the trigger. That's the world we have today, war torn, harsh, cold, grim.. I feckin' love it I tell ya'. Best place in the whole wiiiiideee world, especially this chair. Oiled it every week or two simply to make it spin better. A good investment if you ask me, but I'm rambling again. So where are you rowdy bunch from, Mr Suit? Blush girl? Doorman?" He peered around at everyone and then noticed the man in corner who had just entered. "Aaaaand we have a new contestant!"