[img]http://i.picresize.com/images/2013/09/05/1Q9P.jpg[/img] A warm breath of hot air flushed over her entirety as she entered the humble abode. Songbird was usually particularly reserved from what she could recall, but he seemed to be taking the lead as a assertive guide. Encouraging all the humans to get their butts inside the cabin, Jasper twitched and turned bright red when the quirky fashioned Song began hollering some urgent commands to start stripping asap. She watched in slightly afraid amusement as he began cursing inaudibly about the fish head Mayor. Eyes swiveling left and right as she observed his momentary rambling, whilst he paced about the room in no particular pattern. [b]"I'll be back! Look after them for a few minutes, will you?"[/b] And with that last sentence, he was off, back into the thick blanket of heavy mist that they had just recently escaped. Jasper blinked rapidly a couple of times as the lodge door finally swung to a close just as his figure completely disappeared in the embrace of the haze beyond their wooden enclosure. Hoping that he'd be alright out there, she pulled his scarf off her head and clutched it tightly against her chest. You could guess she was becoming somewhat fond of the homeless looking, heterochomic Nowherian. [b]"Heh, a bath sounds just perfect right about now. Will we be going in one by one or will we save up some water and go in groups?"[/b] Feeling Haruken's vision dart her way, a sensation alike to insects crawling up your back rippled her very core. It didn't occur to her what that look meant, bless her innocent soul, but she thought nothing of it and headed for the bedrooms upstairs to get out of her funky, moist clothing. Making sure to close the door behind her, she wondered what was so wrong that Song had stormed off like that and had urged them so intently to take a shower. Slithering out off her hoodie and skinny jeans, she crawled over to the corner of her bed to grab her teddy backpack. A fresh set of shirts and jeans settled into her grasp as well as a towel almost as white as her skin.