1 Year Earlier... Patrone Estate Italian Mafia HQ "Arlo move! Get down!" Aldo watched his brother hit the floor as he pulled the trigger of the Ingram in his hands, the bullets tore out of the muzzle of the gun like angry bees from a hive, each bullet slammed into the group of infected knocking them back and then down to the ground. Aldo pulled the gun back as they fell, moving forward he grabbed his brothers hand and pulled him back to his feet. "Come on we gotta move now, they are everywhere and more are coming!" Aldo and Arlo quickly turned their backs on the infected whom were filling the large hallway and tore back through the house in the opposite direction. No sooner had they ran they hit Aldos office, both running through the door Aldo quickly closed it behind them and pulled the numerous locks all down the heavy oak door and secured right as the pounding started on the other side. "That will hold them Arlo, that door is steel framed and bullet proof I would like to see them break through it..." Aldo slowly walked to his desk and sat down in the large chair behind it, his chest was heaving hard, it had been some time since he had run like that, maybe all the years he had spent spearheading the Mafia Family from behind a desk had finally taken its toll on his body. However his heaving chest was the last thing on his mind, not even those infected out there whom were a mix of his men and family bothered him, what truly bothered him is that he had be so stupid to ignore this like he had, if he had listened to Arlo then perhaps none of this would have had to happen, they could have prepared for this... but he did not listen and now they were suffering the consequences of his own actions. "Brother what are we gonna do? Do we retake the Estate?" Aldo looked at his brother with old eyes as he shook his head, he knew well that course of action would be dangerous, futile and a waste of time and bullets, it was obvious that the manner was lost and not even they could retake it armed or not. "No Arlo the Estate is lost we might as well accept that, they came too quick and in too big of numbers, we need to grab what weapons and ammo we can and get the hell out of here. I hate it, but that is our only recourse now." "What about the men they are still fighting out there, we can't just abandon them!" "Listen Arlo do you hear any gun shots, any shouting, do you hear anything at all other then those things out there? Its over Arlo the men are dead and if we go out there then we will soon be joining them. Its hard to accept but this is not a battle we can win brother." Arlo was clearly shaken by what Aldo said, he was not used to turning tail and running, Arlo was always the one who would rush into battle and fight until his last breath. A few times he almost did breath his last breath, it was his greatest strength but also his greatest weakness. Thats why Aldo had made Arlo his personal bodyguard to try and keep him alive a little longer if nothing else, there were not many stupid enough to go after Aldo so it worked well. Aldo would be damned if he lost his brother now because of a poor decision to try and retake that which was lost. Getting up from the chair Aldo walked to his brother and raised his hand up putting it on his shoulder. "Its hard to accept I am not a runner either when it comes to my men, my family, but we have to be smart Arlo this is not a fight we can win there are too many and even more are coming now. The best help we can give now is to get out of here alive and honor their sacrifice, do you understand?" Arlo slowly shook his head as the frustration was hitting his face, Aldo removed his hand from Arlo's shoulder and turned walking to the far wall, slowly pulling down an electronic keypad from the wall he typed in a code and opened the hidden gun safe in the wall. Reaching in he pulled out a Bernelli shotgun and turned tossing it to Arlo along with a box of shells, turning back he then removed his own Beretta's and shoulder holsters, he quickly applied them to his shoulders securing them. Removing the extra clips he quickly pocketed them along with the box of rounds. "Come on Arlo we gotta move." Arlo merely nodded as Aldo walked to the bookcase across the room and pulled a book down, a secret staircase revealed itself, the stair case lead down to a secret exit outside of the Estate grounds, it was always meant as a last ditch escape if they were attacked by other mobs, Aldo never imagined he would ever use it himself, but he had imagined a lot of things would have never happened. Descending the staircase the brothers made their way into the escape tunnels as the bookcase slowly closed back over the hole, the only sounds heard then was the banging and scratching on the door. [hider=Secenario 4 The Italian Brothers] Scenario: [url=https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@42.6493138,-87.9531973,999m/data=!3m1!1e3]Southbound 94[/url] Type: Open Max Players: Unlimited Loot: Slim chance Walker population: Very mild[/hider] Present Day... Ten Miles outside of Chicago Highway "Right?" "Right about all this." "Right about what?" "You know." Aldo was close to smacking his brother right in the head, he always did this shit, every minute of everyday of every week of every year, hell if he could do it in the after life he would probably make Aldo wanna going to lowest level of hell just to escape him. Then again he was probably trying to annoy him purposely just to try and lighten up the day, which Aldo couldn't really stay mad about and Arlo knew that. It had been a long year for the both of them, a year of surviving on rations that a five year old would starve from, going from day to day just trying to get a drop of water, Aldo would be a lier if he said it wasn't getting to him. He couldn't deny that he was an old man, and that like most old men his body was not as durable and suitable to conditions such as this anymore. Giving and audible sigh he looked at Arlo and spoke again. "What was dad right about specifically?" "About the apocalypse, he said it for years before he passed that zombies were gonna take over the world." Aldo smirked for a couple moments as Arlo was right about that in a way, their father had been going on about that for the longest time before he passed, except Arlo never really got the fact that father was 98 and was more crazy then a road lizard by time he did go. "You know Arlo for as long as you held his hand, you think you would have realized that Dad was a crazy old coot suffering from Dementia, paranoia, and Alzheimer's, I mean come on, you remember when we used to walk in the room and he would pull that water gun we gave him to keep him happy and threaten to shoot us. He always thought we were hitman coming to kill him." "Thats true, but you remember when we came in the one time and he pulled it, and he had somehow filled it with piss and sprayed you in the face? Even near death he always managed to give us a laugh." "Speak for yourself Arlo..." Aldo recounted the memory as it brought smile to his face and at the same time a nasty grimace, that day had been bad, he had smelt like piss almost the whole way back home and it didn't help that they had a two hour drive, plus Arlo making jokes about it the whole way back. However compared to where they were now in the world, the memory did lighten the mood if not only for a little bit. "You know what I miss most?" "What?" "I miss being able to go to a fine Italian restaurant and get a nice juicy porter house steak with all the trimmings, with fried onions and mushrooms and that American sauce, what do they call it... oh yeah A7 sauce." "I believe you mean A1 sauce you Italian meatball." "Yeah, yeah whatever, when this is all over I am going to open up an Italian restaurant for myself your not invited." "Oh yeah I can totally see that working out, tell me who the hell are you gonna find to cook? I am pretty sure all the Italian cooks are dead by now so I am pretty sure your not just going to pull one out of your ass." "Ill do the cooking myself, people will come from miles around to enjoy the fine food." "Yeah... you do realize your the worst cook in the world... hell your the only one I know who could burn a piece of garlic bread before he even puts it in the oven, the only thing people would come to your restaurant for is to make front of you in person instead of over the phone, its more personal that way." "Yeah well Mr.Smart ass I cooked dad a meal and snuck it in to him the day he passed and he loved it so that proves I can cook." "I always wondered if the old ornery coot passed away from old age or outside circumstances I guess I got my answer now. Too bad they couldn't pump his stomach maybe he might have lived longer." "Oh fuck you Marcelo and your stupid insults." "Oh really a man who failed the 2nd grade six times as a child is calling my insults stupid, I can officially die with no regrets now." "Hey! I didn't fail because I was stupid I failed because I kept getting in trouble for fighting." "Yeah I was aware dad always sent me to collect you when you did something stupid, I don't understand why he sent you to school anyways, me I was always his right hand man, but you... he wanted you to have an education even though that never really worked out in the end." "He saw more potential in me to be smarter, was he wrong?" "He was more wrong then what he did to you and your GF to punish you for stealing his classic revolver and putting a hole in the hood of his mint condition car." They both had a laugh after that before they went silent for a time, Aldo kept his eyes on the road but he never saw anything other then the slew of abandoned cars and the people inside them decaying from taking their own lives. They had not chanced across many Walkers yet which gave Aldo hope that this black tower was actually real and their was some safety there. However he did not get his hopes up on that, there was no reason too, that way if it was just a lie then he did not have much to lose in way of getting his hopes up too high. When Aldo saw the sign for the gas station over to the left, his stomach quickly registered that he was hungry, the back and forth babbling had stifled it good. It would probably be looted and empty however what did they have to lose. "Hey Arlo lets take a detour and hit that gas station see if we can find anything to eat how bout it?" "You got it boss man lets see if we can heist some twinkys." Aldo let out a small laugh as they turned and walked off the highway on the southbound exit towards Chicago.