[b]~Within the Forest's of Eve.[/b] Far off and alone young Aluwen sat upon the soft grass within the forest of Eve. Her back resting against the rough bark of a tree as her legs were kept together and knees bent high to hold a flat and still. She slowly dragged a brush along the surface of the paper, smearing a warm color over the canvas; as yet the picture had not come to completion. As she drew something strange appeared out of the corner of her eye. A small wisp, a tiny ball of light said to be spirits from the after life, seemed to float down from apparently non existent origin. The entity fluttering and floating down until it landing on the top of Aluwen's brush handle. Catching her attention Aluwen's light amber eyes followed the wisp, her mouth agape in awe. She had never been witness to such a sight, where she grew up they spoke of wisps as a great blessing to behold. Aluwen dared not make a move, too scared to startle the beautiful thing and have it leave. Though it still decided to leave as it began to slowl float upwards towards the sky, bringing Aluwen's attention with it. As if on purpose from the wisps perspective her eyes catch a glance off in the far distance a pair of women riding a support, looking just in time to watch one girl be picked up be a flying wolf by the back of her collar and lifted off before slowly being brought down to the ground. Aluwen then looked around for where the wisp had left to, though it was nowhere in sight. The wisp must have wanted Aluwen see the events unfold for some reason. Now normally Aluwen would have left them to their own, not wanting to get in the middle of things. But there must have been reason the wisp brought her attention to this two. Moving the painted piece of paper from her lap and setting it at her side she quickly pushed herself to her feet. Leaning down she picked up her bow, putting it over her shoulder with the draw string laying snug down across her upper torso. Turning to the direction in which she saw the woman fall she burst out into a steady run, practiced steps eased her fluid stride across the forest terrain. It wasn't long before she came into view of the now standing woman she slowed her steps. Quietly stepping out of the brush and into the small clearing in which the woman and her pet remained. Her soft amber hues fixed on the girl curiously as she stepped a bit closer, though not close enough to startle the wolf. "Who are you?" She asked rather strangely. Wasn't exactly common place for a girl to come out of the brush and ask who the other was; but for some reason the wisp thought this girl in particular was important to Aluwen. Aluwen made no threatening motions, leaving the bow over her shoulder and her hands relaxed at her sides as she stood across the darkly dressed girl. Her eyes slowly scanning over the woman taking in every detail.