Hey sorry it took me so Long to post my cs I have had a very crazy few weeks anyway here it is. Cs First Name: Alastair Last Name: Vegni Age (14-18): 17 Grade (9-12):11 Appearance: [img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/018/2/f/hitomi__code_breaker_by_magg93-d5rxenb.png[/img] Personality: Alastair loves messing with people from flirting with girls to even making guys feel uncomfortable, he may seem like he can't be serious but given the right mood and situation he can be a cold serious person, he doesn't tolerate disrespect of him or his family meaning both blood family an those he adopts Into his life. Bio (Optional): He was always the bad guy in his family the black sheep you could say he loved blood more then his family did it was like a drug to him he couldn't get enough of it but after massacring a small village his family sent him away to a academy they said it would help him control his blood lust and even hone a few if his other abilities. Type (Magi, Faye, etc): Vampire Power (If You Have Powers): Normal powers for a pure blood vampire. Theme Song (Optional): Code geass OST The master Other: