[B][U]Academy 218 CS Basic Information[/B][/U] [B]Name:[/B] Todd Thompson [B]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/B] Peer Pressure, Stoner [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Height:[/B] 5'9" [B]Weight:[/B] 182 lbs [B]Status:[/B] Returning Student [B][U]Appearance[/B][/U] [B]Hair Color:[/B] Black [B]Eye Color:[/B] Brown [B]Ethnicity:[/B] German-American [B]Physical Appearance:[/B] His [URL=http://ihousefashion.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/greaser-hairstyles-for-men-2___greaser_hairstyles_for_men_%E2%80%93_mens_greaser_hair_cut_.jpg]hair [/URL] is constantly pulled back and hanging to the left. It is light, thin, and fluffy, with a matte look to it. His facial hair is always freshly shaved. He prefers that his appearance be at its best, far outranking his care for other people. He has a fairly square face, with a chin that makes it slightly pentagonal. He has light colored skin that constrasts sharply against his dark features. Neither particularly tall nor short, he has muscles all over his body that are well toned, though not large or bulky enough to draw attention in a crowd. [B]Attire:[/B] He dresses like a greaser with constant leather jackets, endless plain white Ts, and blue jeans. Despite this, on special occasions, may break out a three piece suit. He keeps his clothes in good condition, wearing name brand clothing designed to appeal to outcasts. Despite attempting to look like a rebel with upper class sensibility, he comes across as a rich-boy wannabe-greaser. [B][U]Personality[/B][/U] [B]Outward & Innate Personality:[/B] Put simply he is selfish, controlling, aggressive, a control freak, and he has a superiority complex. He enjoys watching 'weaklings' squirm and has the tendency to use his social followers and friends to pressure and stres out his lessers. He hates it when he's not in charge despite not being a good leader. He is narcissistic and obsessed with his appearance. He is critical of homosexuals because he feels insecure about secretly feeling attracted to men, so he over compensates and hides it by being with a lot of girls. [B]Hobbies/Interests:[/B] Smoking, Bullying, Drinking, Fighting [B]Skills/Talents:[/B] He is excellent at causing trouble and pushing people's buttons as well as antagonizing the people around him. [B]Prized Possession:[/B] A tie between his lighter, comb, and money. [B]Quote(s):[/B] "I'll give you somethin' to cry about, ya wuss!" [B]Family:[/B] [INDENT]John Thompson - Father - Mob Boss Miranda Thompson - Mother - Deceased Jerry 'Alchemist' Thompson - Cousin - New Student[/INDENT] [B]Relationships:[/B] [INDENT][B]| Shannon Balore | Bad | Despised Classmate |[/B] [I]"Ugh. 'I'm better than you, I can wear a scarf that moves like a tail between my legs'. Please. Bitch better stop pretending she's better than me. Or I'll make everyone see soon enough." |[/I] [B]| Amanda Blackmoore | Bad | Last Person He'd Be With On The Planet |[/B] [I]"I don't care what you'd pay me, I wouldn't spend a minute alone with her for all the money in the world (that's not actually true). I'm tellin' ya, I'd dropkick her down an elevator shaft before I'd listen to her bullshit. |[/I] [B]| Oliver Long | Good Enough | Roommate |[/B] [I]"Maybe I'll need to show him the ropes, but the guy could be just what I need up my sleeve and at my back.[/I] | [B]| Deborah Termellio | Not Good | Not My Friend |[/B] [I]"You're not better than me either. We are not friends! We're not cool. I don't get why you'd ever talked to me. You are nothing, just a stupid girl with her stupid gossip."[/I] | [B]| Jerry Thompson | Meh | Cousin & Lackey |[/B] [I]"If he couldn't synthesize all the ingredients I need, I'd probably let him know how much I actually care. Not a lot."[/I] | [B]| Valjean Vaseal | Godawful | Insufferable Douschebag |[/B] [I]"Give me five seconds and I'll rip the guy's shell off, drown him in his own sand, and cut off his legs with his own pincers. I'll show him not to cross Todd Thompson"[/I] |[/INDENT] [B][U]Abilities[/B][/U] [B]Power Class:[/B] Elemental 3, Anatomical/Biological 5 [B]Power:[/B] Rock Transformation [INDENT]Todd is capable of flexing his muscles and transforming his body into stone. His stone form looks like a chiseled sculpture of him, with great accuracy and detail. It makes him much more resistant to physical damage from blunt force, able to withstand extreme temperatures, increases his muscular strength, and allows him to look like a sculpture by standing still, appearing as though a piece of art were in his place.[/INDENT] [B]Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks:[/B] Naturally, the increase of body weight makes him much heavier, weighing five hundred pounds in all. This makes balance an issue, although it does not directly affect his agility or speed. If he falls over, it is going to hurt and he may chip, when he returns to himan form, chips are replaced by cuts or gashes, so he prefers to glue his pieces back into place if he is damaged.