[B][U]Academy 218 CS Basic Information[/U][/B] [B]Name:[/B] Jerry Thompson [B]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/B] Labcoat, Alchemist [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Height:[/B] 5'5" [B]Weight:[/B] 163 [B]Status:[/B] New Student [B][U]Appearance[/B][/U] [B]Hair Color:[/B] Black [B]Eye Color:[/B] Green [B]Ethnicity:[/B] Asian-American, Peach toned [B]Physical Appearance:[/B] He has a boxy face with a bronze skin tone. His eyebrows are thin and very close to his green eyes, which are set well within his skull. He has hair as black as the night itself with [URL=https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRZUd2MvKVEDcfqpGUdt3xv7dYUeMiqrEJLaBN1DymFSI-pS3EpOQ]long bangs and short cut sides[/URL]. He has a rounded nose, though not the sort with a ball hanging at it's tip. He is somewhat slender, though not to an embarrassing degree. He isn't particularly well-muscled, though he is definitely fit. He has the physique of a runner, with a more muscular lower body than upper. [B]Attire:[/B] Typically he'll be found in a white, knee-length labcoat that calls the image of a doctor to mind. He wears black sneakers, usually green T-shirts, and a pair of neon-green tinted sunglasses. He keeps a set of rubber gloves in his pockets at all times as well as a surgical mask hanging around his neck. [B][U]Personality[/B][/U] [B]Outward & Innate Personality:[/B] Though he plays tough around his family and their friends, he is very compassionate and prefers to avoid confrontation, but is not opposed to defending himself. He would give the shirt off his back to help someone in need and he enjoys being by himself. He is very calculating in his behavior, but not in an icy cold way, just cautious. He is always looking for a friendship or relationship. He is slightly socially awkward, but not to the point where he isn't easily likable, he's just a bit shy. He enjoys learning and is very inquisitive. [B]Hobbies/Interests:[/B] Reading, Learning, Video Games [B]Skills/Talents:[/B] In general he is good at anything with a definite recipe, whether it is cooking or synthesizing chemicals. He is fantastic at games that require combo attacks and he is adept at following instructions. He is not so good at things such as poetry, but is quite comfortable with molding clay or more hands on sorts of art. [B]Prized Possession:[/B] His labcoat. [B]Quote(s):[/B] "Umm... guys? I think I just killed the teacher.." [B]Family:[/B] [INDENT]John Thompson - Uncle/Legal Guardian - Mob Boss James Thompson - Father - Former Mob Enforcer - Deceased Min Tsukuba - Mother - Deceased Todd 'Stoner' Thompson - Cousin - Returning Student[/INDENT] [B]Relationships[/B] [INDENT][B]Todd Thompson | Not Good | Cousin & Social Anchor |[/B] [I]"He's a nice guy right, he's like my older brother, except he's not. Actually.. why do I hang out with him? Oh yeah, Uncle John would be pissed otherwise, and you don't piss off Uncle John."[/I] |[/INDENT] [B][U]Abilities[/B][/U] [B]Power Class:[/B] Elemental 5, Chemical 5 [B]Power:[/B] Elemental Generation [INDENT][URL=http://www.superpowerlist.com/details/15814001/] Aerosol Generation:[/URL] Jerry can generate any substance he has come into physical contact with in the form of an aerosol, which then would be released from his wrist in a mist. After a moment, the aerosol would dry and consolidate if a significant amount were able to gather. The substances are created by a special gland in his wrist that can generate chemicals nanoseconds before releasing them through a special orifice in his wrist. In the future, opportunities for developing this power include being able to shoot liquids or fast drying solids, being able to quickly rotate between multiple substances, being able to aim liquid releases, and being able to electrify his substances. He is pretty far off from being able to launch Spider-Man style webs or using his wrist to launch bullets.[/INDENT] [B]Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks:[/B] If he releases a metal into the air, it would be extremely hot and touching it would be deadly to himself. Breathing in toxins would be as dangerous to him as it would anyone else. All of his aerosols are flammable. He has to have touched a substance to emit it. He cannot store substances for more than a couple seconds, otherwise his wrist would burst open. [B]Other:[/B] [INDENT][B]Theme Song:[/B] American Gigolo - Weezer [B]Favorite Genre:[/B] Dubstep/Electronic Rock [B]Favorite Franchises:[/B] Star Wars, Star Trek, Mass Effect, Legion of Superheroes [B]Favorite School Subject:[/B] Chemistry[/INDENT]