Faris turned before heading out of the Ares cabin, smiling and jutting her hip out like she normally did when complimented. [b]”Thanks bro,”[/b] she smirked, kind of getting used to this kid and thinking they could get along just fine. [b]”I talked to Mr. D but he was just a bitter old dude in a recliner. Didn’t feel like sharing. He said the party was cool though and that an Aphrodite kid would bring some liquor so no worries,”[/b] she said, nodding as he mentioned the Aphrodite girl. She had thought Mr. D said ‘he’ not ‘she’ but whatever. Someone had better supply the party cause Faris wasn’t. Before leaving she gave Venny’s party outfit a thumbs up, remarking with a smirk under her breath how Creampuff would love it before stepping out of the cabin. She took the music to the party, setting it off to the side when she arrived at the arena. She saw lots of food and wine setting out just waiting to be devoured, some campers already mingling and eating, hanging out. Faris smiled, gratified, as she waltzed over to a red headed chick that was welcoming other campers. [b]”Hey, are you the one Venny mentioned? Jessica I think?”[/b] Faris asked, liking any girl who helped with a party. [b]”I’m Faris… another Ares brat apparently,”[/b] she said, not holding her hand out for a shake but not seeming unfriendly either. The atmosphere changing from ‘you’ve been dumped here, don’t cause trouble and get used to it’ to ‘party it up but don’t set anything on fire’ had cheered her demeanor up, becoming more charming than feisty if only for the moment.