#3 Kylie walked along with the other survivors. She, while thankful for the added protection, couldn't help but feel like she entered a dangerous situation. She kept her eyes low as she tried to keep up with the other survivors, her pace seemed odd as she tried to hide the limp in her leg. Their names were easy to remember, Hannah, Oskar and Woodrow. She couldn't help but think about life before the dead rose. She had a friend down the block named Hannah when she was young and a teacher who's first name was Oskar. And Woodrow Wilson happened to be the name of one of her favorite presidents. Kylie decided to remain silent, they didn't need to know her name. The gunshot brought Kylie out of her thoughts as her hand instinctively flew to the machete on her hip and her legs parted in a fighting stance. She looked up at Hannah as she took control of the situation. She couldn't help but be reminded of her situation earlier in the ambulance. And as the figure appeared and Hannah didn't shoot, Kylie knew that she must know the other woman. Camella, like Kylie guessed, was confirmed when Hannah called her Cam. And then things started getting worse. The fence had fallen over onto Camella and trapped her. Kylie looked panically around the group of survivors as they quickly tried to make a plan. Kylie watched as Oskar and Hannah ran down the street, away from the walkers. They had given up so quickly on their friend. But to Kylie's shock the older man did not. He had given her a gun and quick directions. Kylie swallowed back her nerves and panic to nod. “Yes Sir.” She spoke in a hushed voice as he went back to help Camella. She couldn't help but bask in how brave his actions were, going back to help a friend. She looked over the gun briefly. She hated firing guns she hated the sound and the pain in her hands. But her own comfort was about to be pushed aside to help a total stranger. Kylie lined up the shot, taking a deep breath before aiming for one of the walkers heads. Always the head. She watched as the man fought the walkers with his bare hands. Amazing. She then heard his voice as he began to free Camella. “Yes Sir!” Her voice almost sounded confident. She could see two coming, the imidiet threat. She quickly put bullets between their rotting eye sockets. But after shooting the second bullet, and watching a walker fall, Kylie began to feel very faint. Between starving and the booming noise in her ears she struggled to regain her footing. The third shot Kylie fired struck the walker where its ear once was, sending it flinching but not killing it.