Evelyn hardly noticed those she passed, just wanting to get back to the safety of her home. She approached her cottage and slipped inside, turning quickly and resting her back against the solid wood as if it were an anchor to ground her. She closed her eyes and thought to herself. There were explanations for what had happened obviously… One, the man could move incredibly quickly. Perhaps a magician? Yes, an illusionist playing a joke. Of course. And she had fallen for it. She opened her eyes and relaxed, smiling. What an experience. At least she would have a story for her co-workers tomorrow that they would appreciate. She moved to the hearth, removing her jacket and hanging it on a hook. She began her fire that would burn all night to keep her warm in the absence of other bodies. Someone peering in the window would perhaps expect to see a family night about to begin. A mother putting on dinner, a father reading a story to two young siblings who warmed by the fire. But no. Evelyn cut off a bit of cheese and a hunk of bread, putting them on a plate and setting them on a small table next to the rocking chair that was a safe distance from the fireplace. As flames began, Evelyn changed out of her garments into a thin but comfortable white night gown, lacey around the arms and bosom, dusting the floor in length as she walked. She brushed out her hair before grabbing her grandmother’s heavy quilt and a book with a page in the middle bent downward. She curled up in the rocking chair, wrapping the quilt around her body and opened the book to read with her left hand. She casually lit a match with her right and lit the oil lamp on the table next to her rocking chair that had her meager meal, blowing out the match and beginning to read as she periodically nibbled the cheese and bread.