It was a beautiful day, the sun high in the sky and not a single cloud to be seen. There was nothing that Lady Alianor wanted to do less than what she was currently being forced to do. Her father had decided she had spent enough time hidden away unmarried, after all it wouldn't do for a lady of her standing to go for two years without so much of an engagement. This was something that irritated her greatly. After all, when you are widowed, two years is not that long a time. But, of course, now her father required her to return to the court. She didn't know what he hoped to gain after all at around thirty years she was well past the typical marrying age. But her father obviously some benefit in this arrangement as here she was, riding through the forest. Riding, not even being allowed a carriage as the road was 'too dangerous' for such a thing. She herself did not carry much, only the dress she wore (simpler than what she was used to, after all she couldn't ride in one of the more fancier ones) and her jewellery which was of course worth a small fortune. Her father was an important and rich noble, her husband had been even more so. She was bringing only a small amount of belongings with her as most of what she owned had already been transferred to the capital. There was some more jewellery, and of course a few more dresses. The bags containing those were carried by the three guards she had with her. [b]"My lady, we have been riding for a long time,"[/b] one of the guards spoke hesitantly, eyes fixed on the road ahead of them. [b]"Maybe it would be best if we stopped for a while. The horses may need the rest."[/b] [b]"No, we continue,"[/b] Alianor's voice was cold, eyes darting over to the guard that had spoke. [b]"The sooner we reach our destination the better."[/b] With that the small group went back to silence, Alianor's eyes glancing at the trees around her. She only hoped she would get out of this forest soon.