"[i]Verzeihein sie mir, fruend[/i], it has been some time. This language is unfamiliar and difficult." Weisse gave a spiteful chuckle "Other Europeans would say [i]Deutsch[/i] and [i]Italiano[/i] were hard to learn, but by far [i]Japanisch[/i] is the worst. Maetaka, [i]Si?[/i] Herr Maetaka." "If Herr Brandford needed to talk so badly, why isn't he here? I've been told by a good freind of mine not to leave the dorm after seven." The pale boy's eyes narrowed, his voice dripping with accusation "Seems curious that he sends a proxy to get a lone boy. It would be simpler, safer and miles more logical to find him on his own, especially if you've just gone door-to-door. And I'm sure you have encountered some difficulty yourself. Accusing looks, wasted time, some hassle with the... well, the female persuasion. I doubt one of your [b]reputation[/b] made it through the girls' dorm without a hitch?" "Anyway, I'm not the one you seek." Now Weisse turned to Daniel "It's up to you. Promise me you won't get hurt if you go?"