Good. Azil would be helpful in this interrogation, if only so Alier could have an extra hand to restrain this mysterious individual, or perhaps someone to call for help in case they couldn't restrain the meteor girl at all. She seemed to be rather human, but with humanoid meteors, you never knew. Perhaps she'd try to fly away as well, but that was why he had also tied her down to the solid bed. His greeting, though, was met with initial confusion by that woman, before she suddenly started spouting out stuff about unchaining her. When they had used ropes to bind her. Ropes that weren't even of the scratchy, salt-hardened kind. As someone who most definitely wasn't a brute, the white-haired young man wasn't exactly pleased. Coughing, he motioned in the general direction of his now-destroyed home, and said, [b]“Brute? Excuse me, but should I tell you WHO decided to destroy my house with her landing? No, you shall not be unroped until you explain to me who you are, and why you fell from the sky.”[/b]