[quote=Andele] finally did it -.- my bio is way to long tho cxAppearance: Name In-game: TsubasaAge: 17Gender: femaleLevel : 62Bio :as soon as the game startet Tsubasa was scared and fellt to weak to do this. she wasnt able to do stuff like killing monsters on her own so she was fatet to die.....atleast thats what she thought. after most of the people went out of the starting town she was still there sitting scared on the ground not knowing what to do but then a helping hand reached out to her. some one from a little guild that found her sitting on the street offerd her help. he would train her and accept her into the guild. she quickly startet to go on quests together with the guild and that was the first time that she had fun and wasnt scared since she was in the game. but those happy times came to an end as the nice guy that picked her of the street and invitet her itno the guild sacrafied himself for her so that she could live on.she was catched by fear again and she was to scared to go on. the guild chose a new guild leader after the old one diead while sacrafising himself and the new guild leader wasnt able to understand Tsubasas suffering. he left her on her own and kicked her out of the guild because she couldnt keep up in the levels compared to the others. now alone and frightend just like she was at the start. she traveld back to the first city seeing the place where she got picked up and saw herself sitting there again. she looked back at all the wonderfull time she spend with that guy that helped her survive in this cruel world and then sets herself a goal:survicve! she would survive and live on in this world so that the sacrafice of her secret crush that she was never brave enough to tell him would not be in vain. now she managed to somehow survive on her own but after a lot of things happend to her and she almost died she decided that she would search for another guild to make her chances of survival rise. (ok maybe i went a bit overboard with this story cx)Guild or Solo:was kicked out of her previus guild and is now on her own searching for a new oneClass: berserk...... i think not sure something like that. a mobile fighter that is base on quick attacks.Stats (Cap for them are 100)Strength:40Dexterity:78Speed:87Defense:49Endurance:54intellect:76Weapon Appearance: Weapon Type: shield and sword. uses the little sword as dagger and can hit people with the shild because its only a small shield it dosnt afect her mobility much.Armor Appearance: Armor Type: medium to give good armor but still provide mobilityBack-up Skills: stealth, cocking [/quote] ow my feels, I want sebastian to recruit her