Pyria rolled her eyes. She wasn't quite sure was he was talking about when it came to the "star sign", It was probably a reference to his own country's magical or astrological traditions. She made something up. "Yes, the number represent time. I'll explain them if I have to. As for the star sign, that would be the Constellation of the Scales of Equity. Every so often, one of three constellations appears in the sky over that point. The best is the sign of equity, or the fair treatment of others. The second is the sign of revenge, representing retribution and a primitive balancing of the scales. The third is the sign of necessity, which simply means doing what has to be done, irrespective of equity or vengeance." She could hardly keep a straight face, resisting the urge to break out laughing. She succumbed to the urge. "Or maybe I just made that up and have no idea what a star sign is. Sorry. The sun is up at that time, if that's what you need to know. There are clocks throughout the school which will let you know the time."