#1 Ellie could only nod at the man as he spoke, feeling incredibly small when his hand engulfed her own in a less-than grandeur handshake. She didn't comment on the name she was given, only lifting her brow ever so slightly. It was a nickname, she was sure of that much. It didn't bother her any that she wasn't met with an actual name, in fact it was a little refreshing. Perhaps she could get around to asking him about it... Wait- that would imply that she wanted to get to know him. Didn't it? She was surprised at the sudden turn of events within her mind. Had loneliness really made her that eager to accept this person? She was about to try and give herself a reason not to stay, to run. To flee while she had the chance. That's when she saw the mask tilt towards her rucksack. This was it, the reason she needed. He had obviously wanted nothing more than her stuff! She internally chastised herself. If she was going to run this time, she would at least give this...whatever [i]this[/i] was, a chance first. She kne- [i]hoped[/i] that Metro had good intentions. She had been alone for so long, maybe it was time to give up the act of running away. Maybe she could give herself a reason to stand and fight. Even if that reason happened to be a stranger. A knowing look passed her face at his comment, her eyes shining somewhat, a brief pride, quick and controlled. Slowly, to make sure each movement she made was noted as peaceful, she reached into her bag, pulling out a small book. "This," She lifted it slightly, allowing the dark blue item to dance further into the view of her newfound companion. [i]Companion?[/i] She winced, hiding the movement behind her book. "I guess...I got bored. It get's kinda depressing on your own with nothing to do, so I figured, hey, why not try to get a book?" She lowered it back into her knapsack, a sheepish smile on her features. After she re-closed the bag, she stood, trying to stand a little straighter this time- conscious now of her small frame. Her sheepish grin faded though, as soon as the next few words left his mouth. He had just proposed they band together. He had just asked her [i]permission[/i] in such a thing. Nowadays, that was unheard of. You took what you wanted when you were in a position of power. And judging by the gun he had around him, and his natural strength, she wouldn't stand a chance. She may be agile and cunning, but against head-on brute force...There wasn't much she could do. She stared at him, silent. Again she searched his mask, trying to find something, anything, to prove her wrong. To put out the hopes that she had igniting within. Though it seemed he also, had fallen silent. Silence, something she was so used to. It was strange now, to stand there and want nothing more than to hear him speak now, to break it. It seemed like he had read her mind. Metro wen't through a quick guideline of his group requirements, something that Ellie found herself intently listening to. She found herself nodding when he mentioned honesty, so far, she had been completely honest. There were some things she still didn't want to tell about with him yet, as he was still new to her. Perhaps over time that would change. Ellie smirked at his not-so eloquent way of asking her to form a group. Or partnership, it was only the two of them. He was right, they would have a better chance together. Metro, with his strength, weaponry, and light-hearted company. Ellie, with her agility, intellect, and semi-serious persona. They could balance one another. Alright. "Sounds good," She replied, giving a genuine smile. She lifted her bag off of the ground and tilted her head to Metro, ready to ask her next question. "So, Metro. How do you feel about Chicago?" She turned to head outside, glancing back over her shoulder at her companion. "That's where I had planned to head, but it looks like you could use some food and rest." She looked him up and down, once more for good measure. Out of concern, of course. Judging by the way he stood, it looked like he hadn't had a good nights rest in a long time. And it was pretty evident by the way his clothes were somewhat loose at the places they shouldn't be, he wasn't getting enough to eat. "We can rest up here after we eat, I suppose. Gain some strength for the trip. That is, of course...If you want to go?" She gave another sheepish grin. Sure, that was where she had wanted to go, hearing it was safe.