On his perch Vicaver performed the finger pyramid of evil. "Oh you filthy, impudent, subservient, presumptious braggart. Oh, I will break you." He grabbed his mug as he took a massive quaff from it. He then slammed it onto the table so hard that the mug itself was cracked, and part of the liquid in it was pouring out of the lower cracks. He threw his left hand in a whipping motion as he gestured to a nearby slave, "CLEAN THAT UP!" he barked out, clearly furious. His face had a red hue, from the sheer anger he felt to the slave that was not broken. He moved over towards the panel and began frantically tapping on it. He then walked back towards his seat, with a much calmer stride, as he sat down. Placing his head on his right palm he glanced down as he wagged his left index finger. "Tsk, tsk, slave. You will be broken." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Announcer giddily announced, "And so Partial Metal WILL IN FACT GIVE US THE ENCORE ROUND!" The crowd began cheering yet again, for they were positive this new guy would continue to provide amusement. Khaa simply glanced at Akira and nodded, "Well good luck." And with that, he left the arena floor with his partner.