The doors swung open as the new fighter emerged. From the darkness, there was two bright red lights from the gladiator's eyes, and the shining of sharpened teeth, they were fairly low, as if it was crawling on its hands and legs, or if it had four legs to begin with. "Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream/." he began singing in a reverberating echo. The opponent came trudging forward, as more of his face was visible, revealing orange smears covering the left eye, which appeared to be replaced with a more advanced bio-tech piece. The smears looked as if it was caused from something desperately fighting off the individual. "Make him the cutest that I've ever seen/Give him two lips like roses and clover." It continued to sing, as it continued heading forward. The forehead of the individual had two large black curved horns, which were partially covered by brown hair that extended onto the back of the individual. The right arm was covered in a series of dark brown scales, while the left hand looked it was covered in a simple pink flesh. The individual smiled as he got closer, licking his maw with a dark blue tongue. It appeared to have a grotesque amount of muscle on the back legs, as even the black fur back their could not even cover all of the muscle back there. On the ground, it dragged a large spiny tail. It continued singing, "Then tell him that his lonesome nights are over./Sandman, I'm so alone/Don't have nobody to call my own." It then looked again at Akira in deep observance, as it fully stepped out of the arena. It smiled ear to ear, the flesh contorting around his face, as the lips stretched out. It sang again, "Mr Sandman, someone to hold/Would be so peachy before we're too old." After finishing that line, it stood up on its two feet, at a height of six feet eight inches, revealing a torso covered in several smudges, very similar to the ones on its face. The announcer did not speak, and the crowd grew silent, at seeing that the encore round was against [i]it[/i].