"It's fine, I get it. Languages can be tough to learn, and Japanese is up there with the toughest. No big deal." Takeshi was a little put-off by the hostility of the person to whom he was speaking, but decided to play it cool and tell him the truth. "I don't know for sure why Claire sent me on this mission, but knowing that guy he has his reasons. Considering he's staying in the nurse's office while I look for the guy with the katana leads me to believe he may be staying with the girl who got stabbed. Maybe inspecting her for clues to find out who did it. He's a natural detective, that guy." When he finished tooting his buddy's horn and explaining his motives, Takeshi nervously chuckled a bit and continued on speaking. "And about the door-to-door thing, well, you're pretty spot-on with your judgement of the situation. I won't go into details, but let's just say I got wildly varying reactions and I am pretty beat because of the ordeal." He then turned to Daniel. "And I guess your roomie's turning the conversation over to you means you're my man? Are you Katana-Dude?"