"I will break her." Connor growled, placing an arm against the cave wall. He raised himself, and he could actually feel the cave ground shaking under him as he stomped around, trying to get up. He walked up to the wolf, stomping each step as to give himself an imposing figure. He knew how to deal with people who he couldn't get to talk. Something about the wolf just made him want to rip her to strands. It was something about the way she talked, and the way she acted, and the way she moved just made him want to rip her apart. The wolf lady really bothered Connor in that she reminded him that he wasn't completely invincible. He felt that he was damaged physically and psychologically. Everything that he had came across before, could easily be dealt with by punting them away, or smacking them out of the air, or for the bigger ones, wrestling with them until you manage to come out on top. All of these fights were either completely in favor of him or about a 50/50 chance. This time, he felt like he could die. Connor slowly lumbered over to one of the larger trees, and wrapped two fists around it. Connor's back and arms strained as he felt himself trying to rip the unmoving tree out of the ground. His lungs seemed to burn from the fight's fatigue. Finally, with a great heave, he managed to pull out some of the tree. A large, uneven, jagged stump still stood, with the rest of the tree free in Connor's grasp. It was more or less a show of intimidation for the wolf than for actually hitting the wolf with it. Connor stared down at the wolf, tree in hand like a hiker's stick. He bended down low, onto his knees, but that still made him tower feet above the wolf. "I'm not going to lie to you." Connor said, staring it down. "I doubt any of these people will kill you. They will need you for your information, and they will probably let you go. They're kind, not at all insane like you." He glanced back at his allies. "But I'm going to skip over all that "kindness" bullshit and straight up tell you that I don't care if you're dead or not. I will kill you if you even try to squirm. So you better tell us what we need to know or I will make sure your death is long, and drawn out."