Having a training session with Viral, with both Shu and himself, that could be interesting. Takeshi wasn't sure how well their training would translate into one another but if anyone could figure it out, it was Viral. Among their entire entourage the Beastman was by far the best, perhaps only weapons master. It was the reason that Takeshi was going to him, not T'charrl. Sure, the Kaesstrian probably could teach him as well, but to the same degree? No, Viral's expertise was above what the Prince had, he was certain of that. It was part of the reason he wanted to fight Viral so badly, to really see what his friend was capable of, at full power. That aside, it would just be fun, training alongside Shu again. Goodness knows the little guy should learn to use his staff finally, it had basically been sitting and collecting dust since he'd gotten it. "Viral will teach us, I'm sure of it. Just don't count on him being nice about it," Takeshi said, smiling slightly as he looked back at T'charrl. Afraid... Maybe, something was definitely getting to T'charrl. "Just wait here a second buddy, I'm going to go talk to him." Least that could be done before they went off, especially considering he was responsible for it. "T'charrl...? You scared about something? About what we're doing?" That was the only thing that came to mind, nothing else even remotely scary had happened. Maybe all this traveling was finally getting to T'charrl, he could be homesick or something. Giving his friend a thoughtful look Takeshi smiled slightly, placing a hand on his hip and letting his friend talk for a moment. If it was so small then why was the Kaesstrian almost panicking? Eh, he probably shouldn't push the subject, it'd only cause problems. Sighing softly Takeshi stepped closer, reaching out and putting a hand on T'charrl's shoulder, flashing a thumbs up with his other hand. "Hey, whatever is eating at you don't sweat it, alright? You're perfectly safe with us, and things are going to turn out alright. And no one's calling you a coward, T'charrl. Cowards don't fight Generals, or leave their home planet to join some war. You're anything but a coward." Hopefully that did a little something to alleviate some stress. Either way his friend was right, they should get moving. The longer they delayed the more danger people would be in. Giving T'charrl's shoulder a pat, Takeshi moved back towards the ship, "Don't wait up for us, we'll be back soon! Hope you're hungry later too because we'll have fruit!" Right then, time to get this show on the road. Taking his place at the main controls Takeshi glanced over the cockpit, re-familiarizing himself with everything inside. Flipping a switch to seal the cargo bay he then flipped another set, the thrusters of the ship coming to life with a dull humming sound. With the engines on he used the wheel to pivot the ship around, at the same time drawing back on a stick to readjust the thrusters so they rose into the air. "Ready to go get these jerks, Shu?" Takeshi asked, grinning as he gave the ship a bit more throttle, the engines roaring to life now. Before they shot off he reached over, doing up his brother's harness for him then his own. Safely strapped in the older boy winked at his sibling before hitting the throttle once more, sending the ship flying forward and shooting out of the hangar. Oh yeah, at this rate they would reach the other city in no time. With the storm dying down now too they cut across the landscape like a hot knife through butter, leaving a massive dust trail behind themselves. Eh, discretion was never really his strong suit anyways. "How long you figure this will take us? Ten minutes? Maybe fifteen?"