As the witch-woman screamed to be freed from her binds, and Alier responded with the noting of his broken home, Azil looked between the two rather awkwardly. She squinted as, yes, the girl had been unclothed but that was because she had fallen from the sky naked, and while she as the servant could have probably offered the girl some clothes- decided not to, what if this witch carried some skin disease that could make her turn green or set her on fire? You never know, and reinforced by the bad occurrences happening, she wasn't taking any chances with this mysterious person. "[i]Should I go heat up some iron rods? I'm sure they'll work rather well for the next part.[/i]" Azil offered, pulling herself up and walking towards Alier with her head low. He wasn't her master, but as a paying tenant of this house she was directed still to show her respect. After her question though, she shot another glance to the.. girl.. trying to make eye contact, if she turned to stone, it was a willing sacrifice to be made, the girl would be executed and everyone would live happily ever after.