Appearance:Helix is a 5'2" skinny kid with black mid length hair that covers one of his dark green eyes. Is usually seen wearing a black turtle neck shirt with sleeves that seem much to long for him and baggy blue jeans along with a red and black pair of shoes with retractable wheels in them Name: Helix Nickname (if applicable): hex Age 0-18: 14 Past before fostering:Hex grew up with a very excepting family who didnt mind his powers of aerokinesis but also didnt talk about them, but his life changed after an incedent involving a rather large organization of well funded abnormal hunters and an explosion that killed his mother when he was 9. After that he and his father were forced to jump from city to city to avoid being caught. After two years of running his father finally made a very hard decision and put helix into an orphanage swearing he would come back but he never did. Personality:shy, energetic, loves to draw but if you mess with you of his drawings he gets very emotional with either sadness or anger, amd is kind of a scardy cat with most things that dont revolve around things with wheels or heights Fear:The dark and loud noises Power (if applicable): Aerokinesis: the ability to control and manipulate wind. Other: Tries to stay out of the way of older people as to avoid any conflict, also somehow finds ways into the strangest of places even on top of the roof at times. can I have him have already been living in the house also?