Scenario 5 The roads were vacant this time. Interstates and highways were generally peaceful, but the cities were usually hardest to travel through, whether on road or on dirt. It was Joe and Haleigh's lucky day today. "How much longer until we reach Black Mountain?", Haleigh asked over the noise caused by two dirtbikes. "Uhh. I don't know. I lost the map a while back.", Joe replied back nonchalantly. "What do you mean you LOST THE MAP!?" "You'd lose shit like that too if you were being chased by a bunch of creepies! Give me a break!" The bickering between the two went on for several moments until Haleigh saw a group of undead gathering around a fire escape ladder in an alley. She then looked up and saw a man on the roof and pointed towards his direction. "Survivor!" "Go time!" Joe yelled back. Feathering his left-hand throttle, Joe retrieved his long sword with his right hand, held it out sideways, and swung. Leaning the bike in towards the group, the behemoth weapon chopped through the neck of a crawler. With Haleigh now riding in front and left of Joe, the two slowed down enough to gather the horde's attention but not slow enough that they'll get caught (and bitten). The zombie group, now having lost one of their own, turned and moved towards the two new challengers, forgetting the Vodka-wielding man on the roof.