#4 The gas station was nearly empty, scavenged to being bone dry. Glass lay all over the floor, and the windows were empty panes. The cash register had seen better days, as it appeared to have been destroyed with a sledge hammer, and cash was strewn everywhere. No doubt, it was a last act of defiance against the old world. The shelves were collapsed on the floor, crushed and destroyed. There was little chance of gas being left in the tanks, but it was always worth the effort. Their wouldn't be any pressure for the gas to be pumped out, so it needed to be siphoned. The man undertaking such a task was none other than a small time auto mechanic. His name: Wade Pryor. Ex-U.S. Army mechanic. Had his share of girlfriends, but never married. He did, however, have his share of heart-breaking loss due to the epidemic. Meanwhile, he continued kicking around garbage to find ANYTHING worth salvage. The gas station was "as barren as a 90 year old lady", in Wade's more offensive words. He finally lifted a large shelf, making a large racket as he tossed it to the side. His strength had certainly improved from all of this mess called the "Virus" or the "Outbreak". Turning the shelf over became the best option, as Wade discovered something very valuable to him, but worthless to most. It was Skoal dipping tobacco. Long cut. Not just one tin, but a pack. He snatched the little delicacy from the floor and nearly cried from the sight. He split one tin off from the rest of the pack, carefully pealing back the wrap. He smacked the lone tin around, before slowly opening it up and breathing in the wonderful fragrance. He took out a pinch of the smokeless tobacco, puled back his lower lip, and popped it in, savoring the taste. It had been a long time, and he could feel his eyes starting to well up from the joy, before snapping himself out of the moment and back into the real world. He pocketed the collection of dip and continued his one man salvage mission. There was still plenty of time before the sun went down and the lurkers would have the advantage. He was beginning to feel like he was the protagonist from some book. It made him scratch his head for a second, before he remembered it from his highschool days. [i]I Am Legend[/i]