[b]Mira and Miren[/b] Miren glared at Mira, crossing his arms and moving in front of her, stopping. “No,” his voice was firm and commanding, and he shifted when his sister tried to get past him. He sighed and grabbed her arm, pulling her back in front of him. “No Mira, we’re not going into that camp,” he scolded as he lead her by the arm. “They could be brigands, or worse, and I don’t want to have to fight off twenty men.” “Ten, you know I’d take the other half,” Mira said casually, resisting being pulled along, away from the camp, by her brother. She managed to pull from his grip, only for her other hand to be grabbed, his face set. “Five, I wouldn’t let you take ten. Besides, we’re avoiding that whole chance,” Miren pulled Mira harshly, taking her off balance, and pulling her along at a pace slightly too fast for her to get a good foothold and resist, but having to stop after a short bit to keep her from falling on her face and she pulled her arm from his grasp. “Mira!” “I’m not staying up all night again Miren to avoid people showing up in the night! I’m sick of it, we’re going back to that camp and we’re asking if we can sleep for the night. If they’re damned brigands we’re going to fight some damned brigands then!” Mira pushed her brother away, and began stomping towards the camp, almost drawing her sword when he brother steps in her way again. “I said no Mira! I’m not going to risk you getting hurt!” Miren noted his sister’s movement to her sword, and mimicked it. “We’re not going to that camp.” Mira drew Mirivel, holding the tempered silver sword out in front of her, towards her brother. She had no intent of hurting him, but just wanted to show she was serious. She swallowed ass Miren drew his sword in response, Grye, and held it at the ready. Mira let out a breath, she knew Miren had always been better, but that wasn’t going to stop her. She moved forward, quickly striking with the blunt of her blade at his legs, but she soon found him out of the way and striking her back with the blunt of his blade. She did her best to turn and stop it but only got a stinging strike to the cheek. She gasped, but didn’t waste time to contemplate the pain and struck out at Miren again, making sure this time to be ready to turn at a moments notice. Mira’s efforts managed to allow to block the next strike, only to have her feet swept out from under her by Miren’s leg, bringing her to a face-first greeting to the ground. She let out a loud yelp, and managed to stop herself just before hitting it, but she could feel her brother’s boot resting lightly between her shoulderblades. “You’ve been neglecting your practice. You should’ve seen that coming,” Miren grabs her shoulder and hoists her up, helping her to stand up. He made sure to keep a hand on her shoulder as he picked her blade up, and shoved it into her hand. “Now put it up before we attract attention.” He glanced back at the camp, not realizing it was the Sacred Blades’ camp, and was likely perfectly safe to rest in. Mira wouldn’t stand for it though, and shoved her brother away with all her strength, sending him toppling to the ground, having surprised him, and took off for the camp, sheathing her sword as she stopped herself quickly a few feet from it. She took a breath before fixing her hair a little and walking as casually as she could into the camp, trying to ignore the fact she had just come running up to the camp after fighting with her brother not fifty yards away. Hopefully the darkness had concealed all that. She could feel Miren’s glare burning holes in the back of her head as he jogged up beside her. “I should grab you by the collar and just drag you,” he growled under his breath, his own sword sheathed as well now, but a hand still resting on it. He looked around, glaring, almost daring people to try and harm him or his sister, and see what comes of it. Mira spotted someone that looked to be of some authority. “Hey!” She yelled at the individual, waving an arm at them to get their attention. She was going to stay here if it was even remotely safe.