Basic Information Name: Oliver Long Nickname/Alias/Etc: Ollie Gender: Male Age: 18 Height: 5’9” Weight: 139 Status: New Student --- Appearance Hair Color: Medium brown Eye Color: One yellow-green, one blue Ethnicity: Caucasian American (one-quarter Chinese) Physical Appearance: Oliver has a wiry, slender build with toned muscles in places that normal people don’t typically have muscles, particularly around his joints and back. His eyes are narrow and somewhat almond shaped. They’re two different colors; The right a yellow-green color and the left an icy blue. His pupils contract vertically like cats do. His hair is auburn, medium length and straight as a ruler. It lays where it lays in there’s not much he can do about it but slick it back with gel if he’s feeling fancy. He has smooth facial features that claim back to his Chinese roots; High cheek bones, oval shaped face, etc. His cuspids and molars are a little sharper and more pointed than a normal human’s teeth would be. His fingers and toes are long and the nails, while blunt, can be pretty sharp. Attire: Oliver doesn’t usually wear loose-fitting clothes. He doesn’t wear super tight clothes either. Just close-fitting things like skinny jeans, polos, and so on. He has a secret fondness for flannel as well. He likes showing skin as well, so if his shirt has buttons, three to four of the tops ones will be undone. --- Personality Outward & Innate Personality: Oliver has a sense of charm and humor that can be lost on a lot of people, but he’s perfectly unflappable when it comes to adversity. He doesn’t change himself for anyone or any reason. It’s that kind of stubbornness that gets him into fights, but it’s also the kind that fires him up for competitive sport. Oliver has always been driven to be the best at everything he does no matter what. He puts on an air of confidence about himself and his cat puns, even though the latter can be particularly abrasive, but he’s not a constant gloat. While he’s certainly not opposed to talking about himself, he is very capable of holding stimulating, intellectual conversations or just hanging out. He’s curious and independent almost to a fault. Inwardly, Oliver has suffer massive amounts of pressure to be the absolute best at everything he does from his family, his grandfather in particular. He fears failure which is why he doesn’t let it be an option in his train of thought. He enjoys the company of others, but he’s hesitant to let himself rely on other people for anything. Sometimes he’ll disappear and go off on his own, just so he knows that he can, before coming back, fully expecting things to be the same upon his return. He can be quite a cynic in terms of his view of the world. Hobbies/Interests: Contrary to what his power might suggest, he enjoys swimming quite a lot as well as other beach and water-based activities; Sailing, snorkeling, volleyball, scuba diving, fishing, surfing, jet-skiing, etc. He likes to read books and study Chinese calligraphy. He’ll be the first to tell someone the tattoo they think means “courage” is actually “soup”. Oliver has a habit of reviewing complex math algorithms online for kicks and will occasionally invent a loose theory or two and pitch it to his math nerd friends on internet forums. He likes to skateboard and made a point of bringing both his regular board and his longboard with him. Oliver loves music, but he’s absolutely miserable at playing piano, despite the year of lessons he endured on it. Maintaining his nails is a big thing for him, so he can give a mani-pedi to anyone who asks for it. Skills/Talents: Martial arts is something that’s run through his family for a long time. He’s been studying since he could stand upright on his own. He’s also skilled at parkour and the general scaling and jumping over or onto things. He tried gymnastics for a few years in middle school, but ended up quitting when it started interfering with his grades. He speaks pretty decent Chinese. Prized Possession: A long smoking pipe given to him by his grandfather. Quote(s): “[i]Is it me or is it freezing in here?[/i]” “[i]You could say I have a talented tongue.[/i]” “[i]Oh, I seem to have lost my fav-[b]fur[/b]-ate book, The Great [b]Cats[/b]-by. Maybe you could help [b]meow[/b]-t?” --- History/Bio: It's a super secret. Family: Mother - Elizabeth Long Father - Dewu “Daniel” Long Uncle - Sheng-Li Long Grandfather - “Yeye” Tai-Zue Long Grandmother - Susan Long Brother - Hugo Long Relationships Relationships: None yet. --- Abilities Power Class: Animal 5 Power: [i]Shapeshifting[/i] - Oliver can take on many of the physical qualities of a feline. When his adrenaline spikes or when he wills it, he can lengthen his nails into very sharp, very strong claws that are about an inch to an inch and a half long. He can use them to climb walls if they’re not made of thick metal, glass, or some other impenetrable material. His teeth can lengthen as well to about an inch with his cuspids. His irises can expand over his whites to compensate for his expanding pupils, improving his night vision. His tongue is pretty long and a little rough, but he doesn’t use it much for anything aside from eating and… well… Anyway. [i]Enhanced Senses[/i] - He can see at farther distances. He can be exceptionally sensitive to changes in temperature and air pressure (guessing when it’s about to rain). Oliver has a very keen sense of smell and hearing as well. Everything and everyone has their own particular scent making it easy to remember people or find them. He can hear a whisper about five feet away from him, a normal conversation next door, and a shout from a few rooms away. Needless to say, he’s very particular about food because of sensitive taste buds. [i]Cat-like Reflexes[/i] - Oliver is extraordinarily quick on his feet already because of his martial arts training, but when his adrenaline is going and his agility increases even more. He doesn’t always land on his feet, but he does more often than he doesn’t. He can jump nine feet into the air with a running start and he has a very good sense of balance. Not a lot can trip him up and he can move swiftly on a tightrope with five textbooks on top of his head if he tried. He’s a light sleeper and is usually the first to react to any type of noise that happens while he’s sleeping. He is a silent walker and highly flexible. If there’s a space some inches wide, he can probably cram himself into it. [i]Nine Lives[/i] - Oliver doesn’t literally have nine lives, but he can withstand near-fatal injuries better than most people. So, it may appear as if he died, but really, he’s not. [i]Purring[/i] - It’s a mystery to him, but Oliver tends to purr when he sleeps as opposed to snoring. He rarely purrs when he’s awake unless he’s feeling very, very comfortable. Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks: He fucking hates dogs and dogs tend to hate him. It’s an irrational fear/dislike that can lead him to overreacting to conversations, pictures and even dog-like behavior. That said, anything related to canines will seek him out to hunt him, generally speaking. Along with this, he has a primal fear of storms. As in, someone would have to physically remove him from his fetal position to get him to go anywhere if there is a storm outside. He’s a little colorblind. He didn’t used to be, but recently, he’s stopped being able to see reds clearly. If he’s listening for something in a crowded room, it’s very difficult for him to isolate the sound. He tends to hear everything at once unless someone close to him is speaking directly towards him. Coming from a warm climate, he has a higher tolerance for warm weather than he does cold weather. Even the slightest draft can set him shivering. If he breaks a nail, it takes a while for it to grow back to its full length and strength. His recovery time in general takes a little longer than most people because of his unique physique. If he ever receives a head injury, he’s more likely to wake up with a bit of memory loss than most people. Other: None.