Bryce listened intently as Asthia spoke he responded to her question of his kind of magic with a light chuckle. Bryce moved to Asthias Left side before speaking "its more fun to show..." just as Bryce was about to finish another Bryce appeared on the right Side of Ashtia "You than just tell you" the two began to speak in unison "if you haven't yet figured it out im a gifted in illusion its common though most wizards can do this but i have actually come quite close to mastery level with this." The say as they both touch an arm feeling almost identical. "down side is this is the only spell i am capable of. casting at the moment that's why my parents sent me here" He said as his eyes had flashed a quick light blue and the other Bryce vanished. Bryce looked around and realized that they were still in a hallway before making the suggestion "Maybe we should head to our room apparently we have the same dorm assignment" he laughed so wait the slightest bit of cold gets to you cause the floor" Bryce reached down to touch it "is cool but i wouldnt say cold"