Mithias reached his clawed white hand deftly through the window, grabbing the crank to widen the opening. He slipped inside without much noise. The window was behind a bookcase, which provided perfect cover. He sniffed the stoney, dry air. .. hint of chicken. He slowly walked around the bookshelves, listening to the echos of human voices. It sounded like a presentation was being given elsewhere in the manor. Perhaps it was a meeting. Mithias dared approach the doorway going out into the hall. He had heard a vampire lived here. It would be so much more interesting if that were true. He traced a finger along the banister railing. He wouldn't be making an appearance at the meeting, but he would be an undiscovered audience for it as he explored the upstairs. he found a number of private rooms, bedrooms, more or less, a washroom, some closets... the shiny metal of a suit of armor attracted his attention, and he approached a weapons room, which also had some old relics and trophies. He went to read the names printed on the plaques.