[quote=Magic Magnum] If it helps, you've never given off the impression that you're young (Mentally, I can't say physically for obvious reasons) to me. [/quote] Haha, thanks. People around RPG had been telling me I seemed mentally older for a while now. I guess it kind of used to be my thing? Idk. o.o [quote=Doivid] Yeah there's like 5-6 12/13 yr olds here. [/quote] It's not so much the presence of so many really young Spammers that gets me (although... that is part of it), as it is the fact that, when I was 15, I recall being one of the youngest members here - or at least I [i]felt[/i] like I was one of the youngest. I'd kind of gotten so used to that feeling that all of a sudden I realized I'd gotten considerably closer to the average Spam age and that there are now a lot of members younger than me... and that was weird to accept.