Nanase Suzu heard the door to the student council room open and close, accompanied by the sound of soft, yet deliberate footsteps. The student who had walked in, was one well known to Nanase Suzu. Hideki Onimori was his name, second year student, Captain of the School's Kendo Team, and her trusted Vice President. He was tall, nearly 6' with long, shaggy, dirty blond hair that still had glittter from the ceremony in it. He sported a bandage over his entire left eyebrow that wasn't there last time she saw him at the end of the previous school year. His grass green eyes surveyed the room before finally falling upon it's only occupant. Hideki took a measured, yet relaxed stride up to the desk Nanase was sitting at and raised his hand in greeting, giving a small smile. "Mornin' Madame President, geez what a ceremony, I guess I should've expected it but it was still quite the surprise." He ruffled his hand hrough his hair to try and shake some more of the glitter out. A sigh escaped the young man as he eventually thought of the futility of it. He gave Nanase a subdued smile. "So, enjoy your first classes?"