#4 "What do you think Boss?" Aldo was crouched from a distance behind and overturned car as he silently watched the gas station, even from a distance he could see that someone had beaten them to the place, the smashed windows provided a clear view into the station, the man inside was pillaging from what it looked like. Although the noise he was making was a bad idea even during the day. That kind of noise could easily draw unwanted attention if was it was dead or alive, however they were still in the boonies and the farmlands so it was a slim chance too many walkers would come this way, unless they were traveling in a pack looking for food then it was a bad thing. Aldo lowered himself behind the car as he looked at Arlo. "Ok Arlo we don't know if this man is hostile or not, so obviously both of us walking up there would be a bad idea, I would wait for him to just leave but I doubt he is going to without looting whatever there is first, and we can't have that either. Take the long way around and stay low you come in from behind and be my back up, Ill come up the front, once your in position I will approach the man, if he is violent then you come in from behind and finish him, these old gas stations have serve doors in the back so it shouldnt be too hard to get in behind him." "You got it Boss." Arlo was silent as he took the shotgun off his back and ran off in the opposite direction, he was quick but low as he started making his way around to the back of the station. He hoped that Aldo knew what he was doing, sometimes he took things a bit to much for granted and it ended up getting him in more trouble then it was worth. Arlo couldn't think like that either way though, it was because of Aldo that they had survived for as long as they did, Arlo could admit it even though it was hard that he wouldn't have made it without his brothers smarts. Arlo was not smart and that was undeniable, he was what some might call a brute, he was way better at carrying out orders then he was giving them to others. Truthfully Aldo was getting up in years that was the problem, and all this walking and lack of food and water, while it didn't bother him as much Aldo was a different case. He could see it in his eyes, the tiredness he was feeling, thats why he had convinced his brother to try and come to Chicago. You can't beat time, and even Arlo knew that. Arlo quickly cleared his thoughts as he made his way around the back of the gas station, he kept low to the scattered vehicles as not to be seen, but the man inside was too busy scavenging so he doubted he would see him pass by. Reaching the back of the building Arlo quickly spotted the service entrance, walking up to it he quickly tested the knob, it was unlocked, returning to the side of the building he gave a sign to his Aldo that he was ready and quickly returned to the service entrance, slowly opening the door, he quietly inserted himself into the station and cradled the shotgun in his arms. Slowly he made his way forward through the back store room, the door in front of him would lead to the front of the station. He could hear the man now rummaging around, sneaking up to the cracked door he silently made his way beside it and waited for the command. Aldo watched silently for the signal that his brother was in position, when he got it he slowly pulled out one of his Beretta's and clutched it tightly in his hand. He had been thinking of what approach to take, the frontal approach or the sneaky approach, either one would be risky if the man inside was hostile. Aldo quickly decided, standing up in full view he walked out from beside the car and acted as if he was a weary traveler, he was an old man after all, perhaps he could make that work to his advantage. Slowly making his way into the parking lot he passed by the pumps and came into clear view of the gas station, slowly raising his gun he spoke in an Italian accent towards the man in the building making sure to keep a distance. "You in the building, I mean you no harm, but I do not know if you share the same sediment, so come out slowly with your hands up and I won't shoot, you have my word..." Aldo waited for whatever reply he would get he made a quick survey of the area, if the man tried to shoot at him he could easily use one of the pumps for cover, he doubted there would be gas in them anyways. Hopefully it would not come to that. but what had hope gotten them in the past anyways?