...Eika had become unnervingly quiet once the vehicles arrived. Unaware of whether it'd be a noticed factor or not, she'd wait until the inquiries were made and all was answered to slowly raise her hand up. Only when it was quiet. Only if she could catch her Instructor's attention when everyone else had begun boarding or moving about. She didn't want this stupid little question to be made public to the others. And if she managed to catch him, it'd be nice -- yet, not quite as nice as wanted, for the choice of wording that would in turn slip from her lips as a result. [i]"...Instructor. ...What makes us different from your common murderer? We are being shipped out to ruthlessly exterminate and eradicate the lives of other people. These soldiers that are being spoken of...Do they deserve to be slain down? Or are we not being given a reason, and simply following the command of the man running the Garden? I will not argue these directives, regardless. I was merely curious."[/i] ...Ah, that was probably a poor man's way of asking if they were just as bad as serial killers or not. Regardless, she'd wait until she received an answer before doing anything else. And if it was dismissed, she'd simply step into one of the [s]metal deathtraps[/s] transportation devices that they were expected to huddle into. From there, she would plop herself down to the side, legs crossed over one another, and raise her orbs up to begin refining some of her magick into higher states of existence. Red, blue, yellow, and green lines would connect the quartet as the magic stored inside each one of them would be tampered with by her ever-moving digits to mesh them together into something even more terrifying than previously allowed within the confines of their magick-eating embrace. Murdering other people. Different from murdering monster, but similar in another form of manner. With her gaze glancing up, she'd see four large eyeballs staring at her from the side of her orbs. ...Ah, Visionary. Curious to what was going on around its bonded charge now, it was what was allowing her to refine these magicks as she readied herself for the upcoming battle. [i]"...Mortality of a fellow human being...We have to cut it short, don't we?" [/i] A shift of something inside of her head served as her answer, and she'd bow it as a result before going back to working on editing her stock..