[hider=My CS: Akari] [center][img]http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2012/218/f/6/republic_city_app__akari_by_chilamang-d5a2j2h.jpg[/img] (Ignore the 'Republic City' part. Everything else still applies.) [b][Gender - Female | Age - 19 | Nationality - Northern Water Tribe][/b][/center] [indent][b]Akari[/b] is very adventurous and brave. She will often agree to do something dangerous before others because she feels it is 'exciting'. Despite her occasional recklessness, she is extremely loyal and helpful. She doesn't give up on anything and always finishes what she starts. She’s quite determined and headstrong when it comes to accomplishing tasks. [/indent] [indent][b]Traits[/b][/indent] Ice Sculpture Ice Bending Healing Stitching [indent][b]Relations[/b][/indent] Mother - Saphira - Northern Water Tribe Healer Father - Chief Arnook - Northern Water Tribe Leader [indent][b]Personality[/b][/indent] While she is not out-rightly rude, she wont hesitate to snap at anyone who tries to mistreat her or others. Akari has never been afraid to speak her mind for fear of hurting someone’s feelings and she isn't above tossing a snarky remark or two when the situation calls for it. The majority of her repertoire consists of sarcastic comments accompanied by a sardonic smirk or raising of an eyebrow. The occasional kind comment is thrown in there for variety, nothing more. The girl has often been called cold and emotionless. This is mostly untrue. Akari has extremely selective empathy, being that she cannot bring herself to understand the ridiculous reasons which cause a great deal of upset and alarm to most people. Most of all she dislikes people who pity themselves or cry. Crying at the drop of a hat is simply annoying and a waste of the human body’s functions. Tear glands exist for the purpose of keeping one’s eyes moist to prevent them drying out, not to stream torrents of water down one’s face because of a boy’s rejection for example. A firm believer of independence, she absolutely loathes damsels in distress. Despite all appearances, Akari isn’t the most socially apt person around. She wouldn’t mind making friends if only she could stand most people for more than 10 minutes at a time. It usually takes a great deal for her to take a liking towards someone and even when she does, she has little to no idea how to go about showing it. [center][youtube]HMZGe9uahK0[/youtube][/center] [indent][u][b]History[/b][/u][/indent] Akari grew up surrounded by those who feared the Phoenix Kingdom, but never once did she feel she needed to sit back quietly and obey like everyone else did. From the time she was 10, Akari had been bursting into her fathers work, demanding that the North do something to keep the Phoenix Kingdom from destroying the world. Every time she had been told she was naive and this was a matter for 'grown ups' to settle, she would leave feeling defeated and that her father was weak for not standing up and fighting for freedom. As a result, Akari and Chief Arnook never became as close as they should have. Akari was forced against her will to stay with her mother and be a healer even though every part of her told her that her place was to lead or be led by someone who wanted to stand up to the force that caused so much fear in the world. Secretly she began training, building up her bending skills and keeping herself hidden from everyone. Whenever she looked upon the sad faces of the villagers, she felt spurred on to work harder and bring hope to the people who had long since given up. Over time Akari had begun to hold resentment for everyone who didn't think like she did. Anyone who thought that just listening and obeying the rules of Phoenix King Ozai were weak and she began to hate her tribe with each passing day. She felt ashamed to be a part of a group of people who were too afraid to stand up. She felt in her heart that waterbenders were the most powerful of all the benders, that water could put out a flame no matter how large or how brightly it burned. As she watched her village slowly lose hope and fall into a grove of obediance, she became desperate for a change. At the age of 16 she was to be married to the son of the Southern leader Chief Kiroka, but she refused and threatened to take her own life if she was forced to marry a man she did not love. After getting her own way, tensions between the two tribes strained the already rocky relationship, but eventually they moved past it. Recently, Akari learned of a group called the Resistance that was formed in the North and she has since decided to dedicate her time and effort towards helping in any way she can at the next rally. Though her heart is still filled with bitterness at her people, she is happy that someone managed to find others who thought like her and were ready to make a change in the world. [indent][b]Miscellaneous[/b][/indent] [*]She was to be married at the age of 16, but rejected the man she was to marry. Instead she wears her mothers betrothal necklace made by her father.[/*] Other pictures: [img]http://th05.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2012/234/8/a/akari_reference_sheet_by_chilamang-d5c13sv.jpg[/img] [img]http://th00.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2012/265/f/5/akari__s_wardrobe_by_chilamang-d5fjeab.jpg[/img] [/hider]