Alianor was certainly shocked by the appearance of a man in the middle of the path, having seemingly jumped out off a tree. She stopped, icy eyes narrowed as she regarded the person who stood before them and eyeing the bow warily. She did not like how this was going. She had no wish to die, but she wasn't letting this peasant steal all that she had of value with her! She would not allow it. When her father found out about it... These bandits, now that there seemed to more than one, would not live for much longer. She knew there was a reason she did not like this forest. Really it should just be burnt to the ground and all those in it, namely the bandits, executed. Alianor cast a sidelong glance at her three guards, all of whom had drawn their swords. [b]"Would you please do something about this rabble?"[/b] She hissed quietly, voice harsh. [b]"There is not much we can do, m'lady,"[/b] one replied just as quietly as he eyed up the bandits. [b]"There are too many, and they will shoot you before we get close."[/b] It took most of her willpower not to shout at the guards for just how useless they were. At least one should have a bow and be trained in its use! And if she had but one more... Then this wouldn't be so much of a predicament. She was not giving her money to such low people as these. Other, weaker, noble women would have done such a thing. She would not. Though she did like living, she would rather die than she funds fall into the hands of such [i]scum[/i]. Not things of such high value. They would just use it to terrorise others. She realised the man was talking again, after having a word with someone she assumed was his second command. His words were all jumbled up and even confused himself. As she had thought, their leader was simple. That figured. Her eyes only further narrowed at the options she was given. [b]"You will neither tie me up, nor shoot me with arrows if you know what is good for you,"[/b] she adopted a haughty air, icy blue eyes only seeming even colder than they normally were. [b]"You cannot do either of those things. When my father finds out about this, and he will, you will all be arrested or killed."[/b] She brushed a strand of hair over her shoulder, trying to look as confident as possible though inside she wasn't so sure. If they killed her, well, they might burn the body. Of course her father would know where she had gone missing but it would not be enough to go on. And if she went with them then there was no way of getting word to her relatives. It was a very sticky predicament. Which was why she was trying to talk her way out of it. [b]"You have the choice of leaving me be, and keeping your lives, or doing any of the things you suggested and ensuring your own deaths."[/b] A lie. She couldn't be sure of anything, just if she got out of here she would report what had happened. These bandits couldn't be allowed to continue to exist.