"The sun shall guide me, then," Nyame replied politely, letting her ignorant drivel slide. If she was the Archmagister's daughter he thought it best not to offend her by pointing out the flaws in her made up astronomy. He had already come to understand that the stars held little importance to many in these lands. It made it hard for his people to communicate times and dates with outsiders. But he would learn to read a clock and adapt rather than try to educate all of the foolish furless. He followed the numbered doorways down the hall until he found one that matched his room assignment number. The room disturbed him a little, there were far fewer windows than he was used to, and they were all covered with glass. "Bright nights," he said to the two already in the room, "I am Nyame Star Caller. I believe we will sleep together." He was not aware of the double entendre.