#5 Joe was about to shake the bike brethren's hand, only to get stopped short with Haleigh slapping him on the wrist. "Remember what happened [i]last[/i] time?", Haleigh asked Joe, scolding him. With a hurt look on his face, Joe rubbed his wrist and looked back at the newcomer. "Sorry. The little lady's right- can't be too careful nowadays." He patted Haleigh on the head after commenting about her size. "Hope you understand." Haleigh shook her head, only to hit the killswitch of both her and Joe's bike. "You're wasting gas. And I'm not little!", she retorted, pouting. She took out her blowtorch and aimed it towards the dead and dry grass. "Fine, shake his hand. But if you try anything, we're all going to burn alive here." Joe grinned at the Vodka-carrying man while shaking his hand. "Looks like she's changed her mind. People call me Joe. And they call the little fireball over there Haleigh."