Hey! Kit here! First of all, thanks for clicking on this thread. I appreciate that. So I'm pretty new to roleplaying. I've only been doing it for a few months, and I only found out about RPGuild a couple of months ago. I love writing, and roleplaying is just that; writing. But it's better than that - it's writing with someone else. It's a collaboration between two imaginative people with great ideas. And that's what I love about roleplaying. Seeing the plot develop before you with minimal planning is so awesome :P Anyway, spiel over. Recently, I've been craving a particular genre of roleplay: fantasy. What happens in that roleplay, whether it's comedy, tragedy, romance, or anything else, is for us to decide. If you wanna do a fantasy RP and you have some ideas, shoot me a PM! We'll decide stuff and things there. Fantasy isn't the only thing I'm craving though. I'm also craving a Neko x Neko RP, or even Neko x Human if you'd prefer - If it's Neko x Human I'd love to be the one with the tail :P A third RP I would like to do is Drow x Snow Elf. Whilst I don't know much about D&D, their elf culture fascinates me. And fourth, I would love to do a Sociopath x Sociopath roleplay. This would be adorable x3 [hider=Other General Pairings That I Would Like to Do] Roles with a "·" beside it is the role I would like to play: Master x Slave· Teacher x Student· Protector x Protectee· Psychopath· x Psychotherapist (er... if you can't tell I really like roleplaying as a psychopath) Maid· x Master Marceline x Princess Bubblegum· (from Adventure Time) [/hider] In an RP, Kit likes: [list] [*]Mid-to-high Casual roleplayers[/*] [*]A small amount of planning for big plot points[/*] [*]No god-modders[/*] [*]Romance is fine as long as it happens naturally, not forced - story comes before all else[/*] [*]Some smut is fine. I don't like a lot of it, though[/*] [*]Both male and females work. I don't mind playing a male, and I don't mind playing a female[/*] [*]Also, gay pairings are absolutely fine, as are lesbian and straight pairings. I'll roleplay anything[/*] [*]I have absolutely no limits in roleplays, except for the fact that I don't want a pure smut roleplay. Trust me, nothing is more graphic than some of the things that I can imagine. [i]Please note:[/i] just because I have no limits does not mean I have no morals. Of course rape and murder and torture are wrong, I just don't mind roleplaying those sorts of scenes[/*] [*]I prefer original characters to canon characters from a fandom, although I will occasionally roleplay a canon character[/*] [*]My personal preference is 2-to-3 paragraph messages, around 1000 characters, but if you can't do that much, that's cool! Don't worry about it, I'm flexible. NOTE: I will [i]try[/i] to write to you as much as you write to me in each message, or exceed it. Give a lot, get a lot; give a little, get a little. The only exception to this is if I simply cannot think of anything to write about, which doesn't happen often[/*] [*]I roleplay via PMs. I won't object to forum roleplays, however[/*] [*]I want a long-standing roleplay with a good story, not one that will be over in like ten messages[/*] [*]I also want people who won't just disappear on me. If you don't like the way the roleplay is going, then tell me and we can work through it[/*] [*]I do like to make friends with the people who I RP with. Kik me at Nightwalk3r98 if you wanna be pals. I don't bite I promise[/*] [*]Most importantly, if you have any triggers then please tell me them. The last thing I want to do is upset my RP buddy.[/*] [/list] Other than that, we can go crazy. If you've got any ideas, shoot me a PM! I look forward to them. [b]TL;DR[/b]: I'm craving fantasy and neko (could be neko x neko or neko x human) roleplays; I would love a Sociopath x Sociopath roleplay; I have a few other pairings in mind (see above or PM me for details); and I have no limits in roleplays whatsoever. Shoot me a PM if you have any ideas for a plot. [i]--Kit[/i]