[quote=Ozerath] Hey guys, contrary to common belief, I'm alive! I've been in touch with Prisk, and I'll be catching up on what's happened in my absence. [/quote] Hey, welcome back! Can't wait to see Thael again! @ Six. Hey finally finished Roy's picture, sorry it took a while but I took a small break from my post and decided to finish it up real quick. [hider=bloop] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/XY8A6CY.png[/IMG][/hider] The text might be a little harder to read because of the masks I have on it, so I've decided to write it out for you: [indent]"It's not the bottle, it's not the pills, it's not the face of strangers Who will offer you their lines and hot needles. It's not the time you Were together in their place, so perfect. Like a second home And it's not from the Bible. It's not from angels, not from preachers Who are chased and understanding of nothing that is human in this world. It's for the people who are lovers. It's for the people who have been lovers. You are at last somewhere. Until then it's hallelujah."[/indent] & Prisk, thank you so much for condolences and understanding. They found temporary housing near the hospital that is sponsored by charity, so hopefully she improves and everything goes all right.